14th oath of the moment: Legion of One

Jun 23, 2011 20:56

11 PM, backdated to Wednesday night. Action 1, locked to 2237 Stevens Residents: [ Garviel awakens after a day of droning, and the awakening is not a gentle one. A yell of pain can be heard, and then silence, aside from his heavy steps as he descends the stairs of the home and swiftly armors himself in his Astartes plate without a word to anyone ( Read more... )

canon updated, heresy?, life after the orbital strike, grimdark, heresy!, the last wolf

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Comments 432

3 bookgasms June 24 2011, 01:26:12 UTC
[Red eyes take warning! Yomiko... pauses for a moment and hesitantly approaches him with one of her hands in her pocket just in caaaase.]



lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 02:52:18 UTC
Hello Mortal. [ The tremendous thing booms at her, red eyes shifting a bit as they focus in on her. The hand sliding into her pocket is noted as well, as the hulking figure tenses in the darkness.]


bookgasms June 24 2011, 03:59:09 UTC
[Still has her hand in her pocket. Yomiko makes an awkward laugh and smile.] Um... Is there any reason why you're walking around like this at night?


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:01:25 UTC
Familiarizing myself with a battlefield I have not seen in some time. Collecting my thoughts. Patrolling, as I don't need sleep.

[He gives her an impassive look, the only kind the helm can manage.]

I would ask the same of you, actually.


2 myblimpisbigger June 24 2011, 01:28:36 UTC
I worked rather hard fixing that armor for you, you know.

[And now you've gone and roughed it all up again. Good job, Garviel.]


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 02:53:28 UTC

[ Garviel is quiet for a long, long time. He doesn't turn to look at the Baron, not yet. ]

The damage is cosmetic only.


myblimpisbigger June 24 2011, 04:07:07 UTC
I doubt that. Such damage as that cannot be incurred through mere battle-related wear and tear. That was intentional. Why?

[Klaus is quiet content to have this conversation facing Garviel's back. It's not as though his helm would offer any more expression, after all.]


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:18:40 UTC
I wished to remove all signs of my former allegiance to my traitorous gene-father. I am a Legion of one. And I will kill them all.


3 riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 01:36:50 UTC

[Lancer's occasionally-used 'Something Is Not Quite Right' alarms were going off.]

Garviel? You look...a little different. Did something happen?


3 lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 02:56:57 UTC
[ Garviel just stares at Lancer, as if trying to remember him. Friend? Enemy? Monster to be slain?] I died, and I lived. I became a myth, and was the blade of the storm. I was the one loyal man in a galaxy of traitor stars.


riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 03:01:03 UTC
[...yes, something was very wrong. Lancer shifted position slightly--not yet a fighting stance, merely presenting less of a target. When you lived as he had, you learned to trust your instincts above your reason. He wasn't making sense, and somehow that honestly put Lancer on edge.]

Garviel...? What're you talking about?

[His right hand hung casually at his side, but the former Servant was already starting to focus what little prana he had. If his instinct ended up being right (which he sincerely hoped it wasn't) and Garviel was suddenly a threat, he would have the cursed spear in hand at a second's notice.]

It's me, Lancer. Cú Chulainn.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 03:20:13 UTC
The one who claims divine blood. I remember. The one I might have called my brother, had....

[ He hesitates. ] I have seen what comes from superstition and the undisciplined use of what you call magic or sorcery. The belief in gods. I walked 3 months in a world populated only by demons, and myself.


phone. madeofstoic June 24 2011, 01:57:25 UTC
[ At first he was going to hang up and forget about the call, like most he doesn't think he can answer. Doesn't recognize the voice on the line. But then he thinks for a moment and- ]

...Garviel. [ a pause- ] Only a day 'r so. You didn't miss anythin'.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 02:55:39 UTC
[ A long moment of hesitation. Months of hatred, of madness, of berserk fighting alone wash over him, and fade away. The voice of a friend on the line calls out to him, light a lighthouse calls to a lost ship. ]

Higgs. I see. It was a considerably longer time for me.


madeofstoic June 24 2011, 11:19:56 UTC
Good y'r back, then. I mean, good as it can be around 'ere.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 22:09:53 UTC
Indeed, and unfortunately I believe that is not very good at all. Still, I am glad you are here. THe Baron hasn't been causing too much trouble, has he?


[phone] weiss_tank June 24 2011, 02:07:15 UTC
Garvi? That you man? You sound like shit...

Whatever the case, you weren't gone that long.


[phone] lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 02:54:17 UTC
It was several months for me... months of madness and blood. I have a hard time remembering if my name is Cerberus or Garviel Loken, at times.


Re: [phone] weiss_tank June 24 2011, 03:04:20 UTC
Fuck...[Ken knows that feeling, and he sympathizes with Garviel]

Who do you wanna be?


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 03:13:30 UTC
Garviel Loken. Cerberus was a product of my wounding and madness. I have lost my brothers... lost my legion, lost my primarch, lost everything, but I have regained my purpose. And now I am here again, in this prison. It is a bitter thing.


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