
Apr 13, 2010 20:31

Reserves and Requests

Sorry, Reserves and Requests have closed for the season!

To reserve a character, please comment below using the following text with "RESERVE" in the subject line. Reserves will be held for one week with the possibility of a one-week extension, per request.

Your Name:
Your Journal:

Character Name:
Original or Alternate Universe:

      Reserve info here~

    To request a character, please comment below with the following text and "REQUEST" in the subject line. When requesting characters, please list specific ones (don't simply put "everyone").


      ❧ Ar Tonelico II
        Cocona (currently reserved), Lady Cloche, Luca, etc

      ❧ Doctor Who
        The Second Doctor, Ben, Polly, Victoria, Zoe

      ❧ Kingdom Hearts
        Sora, Naminé, Anyone else!

      ❧ Red vs Blue
        Church, Caboose, Tucker, Sarge, Grif, Simmons, Doc, Lopez

      ❧ Seiken Densetsu 3
        Lise, Angela, Kevin, Carlie, Duran, etc

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    reserves, requests

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