20 puffs of smoke.

Apr 03, 2008 19:12

Oh, for fuck's sake, Eden--

Right. Listen up, you lot.

I hope you all know that I would be a bloody awful Warden.

For one thing, I'm usually on the other side of the law. Putting me in charge of the coppers here would be a terrible conflict of interest. Not to get into any great detail here, but they don't call me Conjob just 'cos of my name, ( Read more... )

complaining makes everything better, eden, no politics for me thanks, rantrantrant

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Comments 130

therippling April 3 2008, 23:16:23 UTC


lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:26:26 UTC
At least someone understands, even it's a crazy monster woman.


therippling April 3 2008, 23:27:03 UTC
I'm sorry...

What was that?


lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:55:42 UTC
...Nothing. I'm sure you'd make a brilliant Warden.


[Audio] kisaraginights April 3 2008, 23:18:03 UTC
Great explanation, dude. Just one problem.

You're saner than the rest of the applicants.


[Audio] lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:26:49 UTC
Oh, come on--!

Sanity's a fucking hindrance in that job!


[Audio] kisaraginights April 3 2008, 23:29:07 UTC
Dude, we got a candidate who wants us to sacrifice souls to his cronies, a candidate who's threatening to bite us to death if we wake him up from his nap, and a fucking vampire!

The crazy is NOT cool!


[Audio] lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:56:26 UTC
The vampire doesn't seem that bad. She's got fantastic knockers.


bitingnightmare April 3 2008, 23:19:21 UTC
Is this reverse psychology?


lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:25:39 UTC
I thought about trying that. Then I realised that most of the City's too stupid for it to work on them. Better to just lay it all out honest-like, yeah? As much as it pains me to do so.


bitingnightmare April 3 2008, 23:28:37 UTC
Pains you my ass, John.


lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:57:06 UTC
Nah, your ass can't be that bad or my future self wouldn't have touched it.


so_very_greedy April 3 2008, 23:21:47 UTC
Hell, I do all that. Look at me, I'm running. You're basically me, but human.


lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:29:48 UTC
Yeah, but at least you've got some terrible homunculus powers to keep the rabble in line.

I'd ask why you're running for public office if you enjoy vice so much, since it does cut into your time for that sort of thing, but politics does seem to attract people like that. They're just usually not honest about it.


so_very_greedy April 3 2008, 23:30:56 UTC
For the same reason I never lie and don't hit women. It's my perogative...Plus it pays a hell of a lot of money and I get to bust heads.


lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:57:41 UTC
Honesty, eh? You'll never make it as a politician, mate.


//from somewhere behind him// eiremagic April 3 2008, 23:25:40 UTC
Oy, wanker.

Time tae talk.


//from somewhere behind him// lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:31:38 UTC
[Stumbles into the wall of the alley he was in, nearly drops his cigarette.]

Fucking hell, you don't give a bloke warning, do you?


//from somewhere behind him// eiremagic April 3 2008, 23:33:23 UTC
If I gave ye warnin' ye'd take off so I do wha' I hafta, mate.


//from somewhere behind him// lullabyoflondon April 3 2008, 23:58:12 UTC
...That's not necessarily true.


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