Title: Water Wars
Author: Lisa
Status: Completed Drabble (100 words)
Rating: G
Fandom: BtVS/CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Crossover
Pairing: Buffy/Nick
Genre: Drama/Humor
Summary: Nick remembers a time when her smile didn’t come so easy. Part of the series “Everything’s Bigger in Texas”
Series Sequence:
My Reprieve,
Call of the Wild,
Cowboy Hero,
Little Blue Monster,
Capacity to Love, Water Wars &
Deals a DealChallenge: Entry for Challenge #57: Remembrance at
tthdrabblesSpoilers: None
Disclaimer: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and all related characters are copyright of CBS & Jerry Bruckheimer Television. Buffy The Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright of Joss Whedon & ME. No infringement intended.
Distribution: Not without permission from myself
Laughter reached his ear causing Nick to turn his attention away from the grill and onto the large one-acre yard of his parent’s ranch. Buffy was sitting on a low branch of an oak tree, water gun in hand laughing - loudly. Below her was his nephew, Aaron, who was soaked but giggling; lifting his own water gun he shot the blonde before running away in delight.
Months ago those green eyes held a haunted empty look with a forced smile that tugged at his heart. Buffy never shared what had broken her he was just thankful it was gone.
Completed July 20, 2007