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outbranch November 22 2011, 09:18:27 UTC
There sure are a lot of older people attending the party, which is a given considering Hubert is a mere 10-year-old. Even so, it makes being alone that much more unsettling. He'd come with his brother and others, but Asbel has the tendency to wander, and in a bustling setting like this it's easy to lose sight of anyone. Just his luck.

So Hubert wanders around the buffet line, eyes shifting right to left and left to right in search of familiar faces. Maybe going to the party was a bad idea, after all. He could be "home" right now, reading an interesting book on the cozy couch with few disturbances . . .

"Ahh, why did it turn out this way?" he mumbles anxiously to himself.


lightningcute November 22 2011, 09:36:10 UTC
Bitty Hubert's going to find this gal haunting the buffet. She's just arrived, so at the moment she's busy surveying the delicious goods laid out on the tables, trying to decide where to start first. Come say hi -- she's not going to zap you!


outbranch November 22 2011, 20:53:38 UTC
There's a familiar face! Hubert's staring at the floor when he happens upon where Pao-lin is, however, and thus nearly runs into her. Luckily, he raises his head just in time to notice and stop mere inches in front of someone he thankfully recognizes.

"Ah! P-Pao-lin . . . "


lightningcute November 23 2011, 00:25:26 UTC
"Oh, hi, Hubert!" she greets. "Nice to see you here. Did you come with your brother?"


outbranch November 23 2011, 03:26:14 UTC
He nods, a little comforted by a familiar face, but then frowns. "I can't find him, though."


lightningcute November 23 2011, 04:52:44 UTC
Pao-lin frowns thoughtfully and scans the cafeteria as best as she can. "Mmm...I don't see him from here," she says. "I can help you look for him later, though!" She hands Hubert a plate.


outbranch November 23 2011, 06:38:48 UTC
"Huh?" He eyes the plate in mild surprise. He wasn't expecting to eat with Pao-lin, or anyone, really, in his brother's absence. In a sense, it feels a bit mean on Hubert's part to his older sibling, though he takes the plate just to be a little more polite. "I don't think I should be eating without him . . . "


lightningcute November 23 2011, 10:49:44 UTC
"Huh?" She tilts her head. "Why not?"


outbranch November 24 2011, 01:25:41 UTC
Putting his hands together, he looks down at them. "We came together, so we should eat together, right?"


lightningcute November 24 2011, 06:11:14 UTC
Pao-lin thinks this over.

"Well, maybe he's gotten his food already," she suggests. "I mean, I probably would've, because I love food." She laughs. "But if you're hungry, you shouldn't wait up. I'm sure your brother would feel bad if you starved just because you couldn't find him."


outbranch November 24 2011, 12:02:12 UTC
"Maybe . . . " He scowls at the thought. "That wouldn't be fair of him if he already did!"

Looking down at the plate, he nods slowly. If Pao-lin says it's okay . . . "I guess I'll have a little."


lightningcute November 24 2011, 12:47:58 UTC
Pao-lin nods, and turns her attention back to deciding what she wants to eat on her first round of hitting up the buffet. Ooh, that spaghetti looks delicious...and so does that casserole...and the turkey...and everything else on this table, really. Damn. There's no way she can fit all of that on a single plate. Well, there's always round two.

"Do they have Thanksgiving where you're from?" she asks Hubert. "Or something like it?"


outbranch November 25 2011, 22:54:36 UTC
Hubert's nowhere as attentive to the buffet table as Pao-lin. In fact, the way she eyes everything on there is a little alarming. Is she going to eat it all? that can't be good for her stomach . . .

Then she asks him a question, and he shakes his head. "I don't think we've ever celebrated anything like this."


lightningcute November 25 2011, 23:02:15 UTC
Oh, you bet she is going to try everything on there eventually! But it's hard for her to know where to start first. She finally settles for a traditional setup of turkey, mashed potatoes, and cornbread.

"Ah, I see," she says. "I didn't really have this holiday back in my home country, actually. It wasn't until I moved to Sternbild that I actually celebrated Thanksgiving."


outbranch November 26 2011, 01:45:49 UTC
Hubert himself gets a meager serving of turkey, corn, and what have you. Normally he'd eat a little more, but lingering anxiety from being without his brother prevents him from feeling all that hungry.

"Sternbild . . . you mean, you went to live in another country?"


lightningcute November 26 2011, 05:31:25 UTC
"Yep. When I was 11." Okay, fine, she'll be taking a raisin muffin too. Now she is done raiding the buffet...for the moment. Time to find a place to sit. "HeroTV hired me to become a Hero, so I had to move from Hong Kong to Sternbild City, in America."


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