Reminder: Lost HOHOHO Fics Due Tomorrow

Dec 14, 2009 15:01

Yes, the day is finally almost here - your HOHOHO fic is due tomorrow, by midnight PST. If you've encountered a snag and are running late, please do shoot us an email and include your ETA. We have a posting schedule already made up, so knowing if anyone is going to be late would be very helpful ( Read more... )

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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Comments 7

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zelda_zee December 14 2009, 23:22:05 UTC
Oh, yes, absolutely! I guess I'd better edit the post to make that clear!


emiliglia December 14 2009, 23:29:56 UTC
This might be unnecessary for me to mention, but I know how it is with these things when writers are really just looking for the feedback from the recipient. ;)

I work 12 hour days on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (yes, this is including Christmas Eve and Day), so if my author is scheduled to post on any of those days, it might be a day or two before I get to it.

I'm so excited!


eponine119 December 15 2009, 02:06:26 UTC
Fic soon? SQUEE! Can't wait!


lostpuffin December 15 2009, 03:32:44 UTC
Well I won't be 'gone' actually, but because of work it is often late night before I can get online, and occasionally next day.
I'm looking forward to reading each. and. every. one. of these Secret Santa fics.
'Tis a wonderful thing you all do.


valhalla37 December 15 2009, 05:24:52 UTC
I'm not going to be away, per say, but I am working an extra 20 hours per week until Christmas, so I'm going to be slow on commenting. Just figured I'd give a heads up in case my Secret Santa is curious! :)


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