Reminder: Lost HOHOHO Fics Due Tomorrow

Dec 14, 2009 15:01

Yes, the day is finally almost here - your HOHOHO fic is due tomorrow, by midnight PST. If you've encountered a snag and are running late, please do shoot us an email and include your ETA. We have a posting schedule already made up, so knowing if anyone is going to be late would be very helpful ( Read more... )

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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Comments 7

tellshannon815 December 15 2009, 18:25:41 UTC
It's the same for me as for lostpuffin - I sometimes only get on late at night or the next day. Also Christmas Eve might be difficult as I'll either be packing once I get off work, or travelling earlier if there is a snow emergency predicted on the big day!


inthekeyofd December 17 2009, 05:56:18 UTC
I won't be around on the 17th, until the afternoon of the 18th. I've been so busy lately, I'm going to try to get on every night though--other than when I'm away..and christmas eve.


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