Reminder: Lost HOHOHO Fics Due Tomorrow

Dec 14, 2009 15:01

Yes, the day is finally almost here - your HOHOHO fic is due tomorrow, by midnight PST. If you've encountered a snag and are running late, please do shoot us an email and include your ETA. We have a posting schedule already made up, so knowing if anyone is going to be late would be very helpful.

The schedule allows for the posting of four fics a day between tomorrow - which is also the first day of posting - and the 24th.

Travel plans:

Let your Santa know if you'll be away from the internet for any of the period of time during the posting period (the 15th to the 24th)! You can leave a comment here so your author doesn't think that the fact that you haven't commented means that you hated the story so badly you can't bring yourself to. Writers can be sensitive that way!

Regarding commenting:

Writers, you must wait until the author reveal to reply to your comments! Don't give away the 'secret' part of Secret Santa by replying early! If you want to follow the comments for your fic you can do so by clicking the 'Track This' button on the post.

Commenters, don't wait for the reveal, go ahead and leave a comment when you read the fic.

Also, can I take the opportunity to encourage everyone to at least comment on the story that's written for them. Sometimes it happens that stories receive great feedback, but nothing from the intended recipient, and that can be very disappointing to the writer.

I'm sure we're all looking forward to the upcoming fic! Happy Holidays to all you Lost fans out there!

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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