Writing fest! Other things!

Feb 10, 2013 18:43

I don't think I really did anything I expected today, mostly because
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fanvids, unconventionalcourtship, ficathon, doctor who, sapphire and steel, recs

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Comments 32

persiflage_1 February 10 2013, 19:02:16 UTC
Hmm, I shall go and have a look at that panfandom fest... (And read the S&S fics!)

Do eat. It's very important!


lost_spook February 10 2013, 19:28:03 UTC
Thanks! I ate. You're right and I'm normally earlier than that, too. (I was making banners. *guilty*)



persiflage_1 February 10 2013, 19:39:03 UTC
Ah! I often find myself going to bed later than intended 'cos I got engrossed in something fannish! So I empathise!


femme_slash_fan February 10 2013, 19:06:05 UTC
... Why are none of the fun things on LJ? >.< My net throws a fit at dreamwidth stuff now...


lost_spook February 10 2013, 19:26:43 UTC
Aw, can you not set yourself up a back up account over there? I've started using mine now, but for ages I only had it for commenting and joining in any shiny comms on the other side. Lots of poeple do. (But, yes, I hear Open ID is causing lots of people headaches lately. :-/)


femme_slash_fan February 10 2013, 20:02:50 UTC
I have an account there... but I can't get it to open right... which makes me so angry you don't even know.

It's like 'Can you NOT die on me every time computer?? PLEASE?' I need a Liz Shaw type to kick it's ass into touch or someone whose good with tech drama... seriously.


swordznsorcery February 10 2013, 19:33:15 UTC
I don't think I have ever read anything more terrifying in my life than those Mills & Boon summaries. Stand aside, Stephen King. You cannot hope to compete with the horror of the romance novel...


lost_spook February 10 2013, 19:51:35 UTC
Ahahaha. Yes. I cannot resist the ridiculous. Even with me meaning to be so careful and not sign up for things, I am writing #28 for Silver & Steel. (Because if 6 years have just vanished in a heartbeat, then clearly Elements are needed. And they will be funniest.)

I just put their names into the summary and it's already v funny. Probably much funnier than the fic will be.

You're right, though. I used to work in a library and searching through the M&B for a request for The Pregnant Princess, you find The Pregnant Policewoman instead. (I kind of get some of it, but not all the pregnant people, although obv. an understandable consequence of being in M&B. 0_o)


swordznsorcery February 10 2013, 21:46:15 UTC
Do they actually have sex in M&B though? I thought it was all about powerful, dark gazes and heavy breathing?!

(I have never read one. This may be readily apparent).


lost_spook February 11 2013, 12:20:17 UTC
I have no idea. I've never read one, either. :-)

I think they have been getting racier, or at least some of the different series have more sex in? (I did have to tidy and sort through them in the library, as I said. It was one of those things where you look on an alien world from afar.)


john_amend_all February 10 2013, 19:57:07 UTC
Thanks for reccing me! :-)

And I see what you mean about the banners being addictive :-)

... )


swordznsorcery February 10 2013, 21:44:04 UTC

... )


aralias February 10 2013, 22:35:29 UTC
this is my favourite thing that has ever happened :D


femme_slash_fan February 10 2013, 23:14:10 UTC


honeynoir February 10 2013, 20:19:43 UTC
Hee, I have no doubt the unconventionalcourtship ficathon will be brilliant... Speaking of brilliant, that vid sure is, as well!


lost_spook February 11 2013, 12:21:50 UTC
Yes, I think it should be fun. :-) It is a beautiful vid, isn't it?


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