Writing fest! Other things!

Feb 10, 2013 18:43

I don't think I really did anything I expected today, mostly because
aralias is evil awesome. (Depending, there might be another post that's her fault later or tomorrow, because she is.)

Anyway, first things first: she's set up a panfandom ficathon where you take a Mills & Boon/Harlequin romance summary and use it for your favourite pairing and hilarity ensues (or possibly actually romance if you feel like it). Where can you find this wonderful thing and sign up etc.? It is here:

I might have made some banners for it. Some of them are only useful if you are me, but I was having slightly too much fun. There are more banners on the comm for pimping. But you can use any of these if you like them, too. (You can find them all here.) That was what occupied quite a bit of my day.

In other flist news,
john_amend_all wrote first Passenger for the Steel/Jet prompt i left in his 500 prompts post (which was unexpected and entertaining and involves Steel, Jet and a motorbike ride in the 1920s) and then Field Repair with Silver and Iodine, which is marvellous and uses one of those settings that are v clever for S&S but I can't tell you before you read it. (Several S&S fics are like that. It's v annoying. You can't rec them properly.)

And a vid, which wasn't made by anyone on my flist, but is lovely:

image Click to view

(The State of Dreaming by niyalune (Clara, DW - so spoilers for Asylum of the Daleks & the Christmas special).

I'm sure there were about ten other things I've meant to share with people, but never mind. (I must go have dinner now.)

ETA: Had dinner and remembered!

1. Happy birthday to vila_restal! (Okay, I know, but it makes me happy that I have Vila on my flist. He's quiet now, but rebels sometimes have to go into hiding.)

Also, other stuff happening that is fun/interesting: halfamoon (ends on the 14th), rarewomen and shipswap.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fanvids, unconventionalcourtship, ficathon, doctor who, sapphire and steel, recs

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