Yes- this is for you. Replying to the deleted comment I still got through my e-mail:loreleiskyeOctober 11 2006, 21:11:31 UTC
I saw your reply to my other post; I took this post down for a bit while I cleaned it up a little and tried to find better words for a few things.
It was mentioned that I was coming across as trying to do this for attention.That's why I took this down to clean up. NO. That wasn't what I was trying to say. Attempts, threats of attempts, just get my attention as nothing else will. I have lost friends, good friends, to suicide. And if there is one thing I learned, it's to take all threats seriously. People who say things like this usually mean it. But they also usualy want to be talked out of it. Only once did I have a friend who used this as an 'attention getting device'. I walked away from him and never looked back
( ... )
Re: Yes- this is for you. Replying to the deleted comment I still got through my e-mail:loreleiskyeOctober 12 2006, 16:45:39 UTC
Actually, the reason it was deleted was because I was replying to this entry and then when I went to push the "submit" button, it had disappeared. So I replied to another, and just deleted it a) because you would still get it, and b) for some reason, it was showing that anonymous posters couldn't access your entries, and so I had to sign in
( ... )
I can only speak for myself, naturally, but as I have experience as a suicide survivor (and not JUST survivor--the acquaintance who killed herself chose to come to me the day before and tell me what she was going to do and then 24 hrs to the minute not only follow through on her plans but also leave the note in my name--so I was involved in the subsequent investigation into her death, too)--but let me tell you: IT'S ONE OF THE SINGLE MOST PAINFUL EXPERIENCES I'VE EVER HAD!! I'm still dealing with repercussions of it, and this has been over ten years ago at this point. *NO* amount of "I-needed-to-do-this" makes up for the hole that suicide/self-death-wish leaves. PLEASE consider what you're doing--to EVERYONE you are leaving behind! :(
Comments 4
cleaned it up a little and tried to find better words for a few things.
It was mentioned that I was coming across as trying to do this for attention.That's why I took this down to clean up. NO. That wasn't what I was trying to say. Attempts, threats of attempts, just get my attention as nothing else will. I have lost friends, good friends, to suicide. And if there is one thing I learned, it's to take all threats seriously. People who say things like this usually mean it. But they also usualy want to be talked out of it. Only once did I have a friend who used this as an 'attention getting device'. I walked away from him and never looked back ( ... )
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