BONUS POSTING: Where Are You Roaming? 9/25

Jun 08, 2011 00:43

Author: lorelaisquared
Titile: Where Are You Roaming?
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 1582
Characters: Rose, Donna, Ten, Viola (OC)
Pairings: Rose/TenII, Rose/Ten
Summary: Sequel to What’s To Come is Still Unsure. Rose and Viola struggle to adjust to being in Rose’s original universe while the Doctor deals with the ramifications of his actions at "Bowie Base One" on Mars.
Rating: PG
Beta(s): meremoon
Author’s Note: I know I don't normally post on Wednesdays, nor do I usually post two chapters in a week, but as an extra special surprise, in honour of earlgreytea68's birthday, you're all getting an extra chapter this week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY earlgreytea68 (Technically there are still several hours to go in her timezone, but in mine it's already time and I'm about to go to bed, so it's coming a tad early, enjoy).

PS - don't worry, another chapter will be posted on Friday as per the usual pattern.

Special thanks to my beta, meremoon for her invaluable feedback. Also a huge thank you to rumpelsnorcack for her constant support and cheerleading. A quick shout out to earlgreytea68 for periodically letting me bounce ideas off of her.

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |

Chapter 9

Inside the TARDIS the Doctor started to panic. What was he going to do with a seven year old? What if she broke something? Or worse hurt herself? Oh god, Rose would never forgive him if her daughter was injured.

Rose. His eyes widened and he began to panic. What if Viola wandered into the infirmary... what if she saw... he swallowed hard and dragged his hands over his eyes. Oh god, Rose. Rose from the past was dead, and he'd taken her from a point in her time line before Viola had been born. The enormity of the situation began to sink in and his knees buckled. He gripped the console for support as his mind raced with the repercussions of what he'd done... Had Viola's Rose disappeared because Rose in the infirmary had died? Had she died too? And if she had, what did that mean for Viola? What would happen to her?

Viola! He'd been so focused on his thoughts he had lost track of where she was. He glanced around the control room but couldn't see her.

“Viola?” he called.

“Yes?” her response was faint, nearly inaudible and yet he couldn't see her.

“Where are you?”

“I'm here,” she said. “Right beside you.”

He looked to both his left and right but couldn't see anyone.

A small hand slid into his and as he gripped it firmly, he began to see her outline again. It was faint at first, but the longer he held onto her, the stronger she appeared, until finally she stood beside him, as vivid and real as she'd been when he first met her outside.

“I vanished, didn't I?”

“You did.”

She looked disappointed. “I'd hoped it would stop now that you've come.”

“It's happened before?”

“This was the third time.” She bit her lip, looking uncertain and vulnerable. A drastic change from the confident child who'd dragged him across the park. “What if one time, I don't reappear?”

He sat on the jump seat and took her other hand as well, pulling her toward him until she was directly in front of him. “I won't let that happen.”


“No. Don't think that. Viola, I promise you, I will find a way to stop this.”


“I don't know yet, but I'll find a way, I always do.”

She stared at him intently for several long minutes before surprising him by climbing onto his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.”

He thought she'd climb down again but instead she snuggled closer, clinging to him. “My mum,” she whispered. “Do you think she's going to be okay? Will we find her?”

He looked down at her, and the trusting vulnerability in her eyes melted his heart. “I will do my best.”


The Doctor gulped. He was in trouble - already he could refuse this child nothing. “I promise.”

“Good.” Viola wriggled out of his arms then, pecking him on the cheek before sliding back to the floor and circling the console. “We best get started then.”

He laughed. “I suppose we best.”


“You're doing it wrong,” Viola told the Doctor as he shifted them into the vortex after their fourth unsuccessful trip in search of Rose.

He waggled a finger at her. “Oi! I flew this TARDIS through the graviton cyclones in the Jovian Fold’ she’s been in and out of black holes and she’s found Vortex corridors within corridors that nobody else ever dreamed were there. I think I know what I’m doing by now.”

“Well you don't. You should really deploy the flirmirtrator before you press the zyglogcktmore.”

“What? Why would I want to do that?”

Viola sighed. He really was so dim sometimes. “Because it helps control the fluctuations in time that can disrupt the ability to arrive at an exact time and place.”

He looked at her in exasperation and confusion so she clarified. “It will prevent you from making so many navigational errors.”

“I don't --”

Viola looked at him pointedly. In just four trips they'd already ended up in the 12th century instead of the 24th, on the planet Ghulpt instead of the planet Viiiiimy and in Eastern Turkey instead of West Africa.

“But… but,” he sputtered, rubbing a hand on his cheek. “The helmic regulator keeps pulling to the right and then the thermal buffer has never been quite spot-on, it’s not like it’s something I’m doing…” he trailed off.

“Yes, it is. Trust me, deploying the flirmirtrator first will fix the problem.”

“Fine then, if you know so much, why don't you fly this thing?”

“I would, gladly, but in case you hadn't noticed, I can't reach.”

“Then how'd you learn to fly a TARDIS?”

“My daddy built a retractable step ladder for me around the console. We used to fly together - but only because he was afraid I'd go and accidentally regenerate myself again if I flew solo.”

The Doctor’s eyes grew wide and his jaw slackened as his hands stilled on the controls and he gaped at Viola incredulously. “Wait, what? You've regenerated? But you're only seven!”

Viola shrugged. “It's no big deal. I'm still me and I have nicer hair now.”

The Doctor stared at her. You and I are going to have to have a little chat about the seriousness of regeneration when this is all over, Viola heard him think.

“Hey! I heard that!” she accused.

“You were supposed to.” The Doctor winked at her before yanking on a lever and taking them to yet another location.


Several failed trips later, the Doctor looked up from the console to find Viola gone.

“Viola?” He called, thinking that maybe she had gone invisible again. It had been happening with greater and greater frequency.

When she didn't answer, his hearts skipped a beat for a moment - had it happened? Had she blinked out of existence? He closed his eyes, concentrating as he reached out with his mind, searching for hers. It took a moment, but the thread was there, but - she was upset. He frowned, his worry increasing as he began to search the TARDIS for her.

He turned down a corridor and came to an abrupt halt when he saw her standing outside the infirmary.

No, he thought frantically as he started to race toward her, hoping that she hadn't seen --.

The sound of her sobs confirmed the worst and when the Doctor reached her he immediately pulled her into his arms, comforting her as she cried. “Shh,” he murmured, smoothing her hair. “Viola, it's going to be all right.”

She took a deep breath and pulled away, wiping her eyes. “I'm sorry. I never cry like that, it's just -” She looked toward the infirmary. “I walked past and for a moment, I thought I saw Mum, lying there, bleeding. But then, when I went closer, she vanished, just like she did on the bridge and...” she looked up at him, her cool blue eyes rimmed with red and filled with fear and worry. “What if we can't find her? What if she's gone for good? My dad, he's... and I don't know this universe and...” silent tears streamed down her cheeks and the Doctor felt his hearts breaking for her.

She was so brave and strong, this child. It was obvious from her behaviour, and her very presence in his universe, that something had happened to her father and though he had some theories he didn't want to ask. He could tell she was hurting but was trying so hard not to show her pain while they searched for her mother; trying to hold it all in and not show her true feelings. Much like himself, he realized - always blocking out the pain and running from one adventure to the next.

With an incredibly gentle touch, the Doctor reached out, drying Viola's tears with his thumb.

“Viola, listen to me.” She looked up at him, her eyes wide and trusting. He gulped, really wishing he was deserving of that trust. “We will find your mother. She's out there somewhere, I'm certain of it.”

“But what if she's not? What if something happens to her? What if--”

He bent to her level and looked her directly in the eye. “Then you have me.”

She blinked at him, surprised. “What?”

“If, and this is a big if because I don't think this will be the case, but if the worst happens and we can't locate your mother, I'm always going to be here for you. You won't be alone.”

“Really?” she said the word so softly he had to strain to hear it.

“Really.” He offered her his hand. “Now come, let's go over the facts again, I'm sure there's some detail, some clue that we've missed. We're geniuses, us two, we're bound to think of something.”

Viola smiled and the Doctor was pleased to see that it reached her eyes. “Okay,” she said, taking his hand. “You're right.”

As they walked past, the Doctor cast a final glance toward the Infirmary, confirming for himself that Rose was no longer there. All that remained was a white sheet and an imprint of her head on the pillow. Deciding to save that particular mystery for another day, he reached out with his free hand, pulling the door closed. He'd dwelt on the past for too long. It was time to stop looking back and to start moving forward.



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fic, dwfic, series: shakespeareverse, doctor who, story: roaming

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