Title: Because You Left, Chapter Fourteen: The Other Side of the Story
Pairing/Character(s): Charlie Pace, Kate Austen, Ben Linus Anderson, Roger Linus, Kurt Hummel (briefly), Burt Hummel (briefly), Leslie Arzt, Jennifer Karofsky (very briefly), Walt Lloyd, Michael Dawson, Grandma Dawson, Wesley Kim, Sun-Hwa Kwon, Juliet Burke, Sayid Jarrah, and
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Comments 13
CHARLIE. He is my third favorite character, after Ben and Hurley. I was so jazzed to see you put him in with the 1977 crew in this.
And then Kurt hugging Ben. Talk about a huge Moment, given what we know about Kurt and how rarely he shows physical affection of any kind to someone not his own dad. And that Ben is decidedly not that kind of person either. I just really really liked that.
Changing the 1977 crew has been a lot of fun. The DHARMA Initiative becomes very, very different when the people joining are Kate, Charlie, and Shannon, as opposed to Juliet, Sawyer, and Jin.
And, NGL, writing Charles Widmore was maybe the most fun out of all of it. His manner of speaking is so... distinct.
(Also, he really does have Blaine nagging him to eat something, or to eat something healthy a lot, so he's used to it.)
I like Walt a lot; he feels very real (and I wasn't sure if he was real in the last chapter, so). And Wes! Lots of messed-up boys here.
And Walt. Walt is real, and really attending Dalton. And he's definitely messed-up. Poor lamb.
There will be more dangerous Ben, I promise. No one hurts his son. NO ONE.
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