Title: Three Brothers
mizraRating: PG-13/R
Warnings: language, violence
Word Count: ???
Summary: Twenty four years later, the Winchesters finally have their revenge and kill Azazel. The celebration is cut short when John receives a frantic phone call and takes off for another hunt, leaving only a brief note and no answers behind. A few days later, Bobby answers the phone call of a frightened and confused kid: Adam Milligan has woken up alone, surrounded by the bodies of his mother and a father he’d only met twice. While the three brothers grieve, an angel by the name of Castiel delivers a warning - Lucifer is rising and aspiring to become master of Death by collecting the three Deathly Hallows. As the boys discover each Hallow and the story of their creation, they realize the true meaning of family and the extent some will go to keep it safe.
Notes: Knowledge of the 'Three Brothers' tale from Harry Potter is advisable. (You can watch it
Story Master Post |
Art Master Post Art Piece #1 - Drawn in Illustrator and painted in Photoshop
I loved the idea of trying to have each of the brothers' faces involved. This story... oh, it's good.
Art Piece #2
Every fic has to have a divider, right? Refresh if you didn't see the animation. ;)
Art Piece #3
Click to view
I love the Deathly Hallows movie, and to really pull from that story, I simply needed to make a video trailer. I don't do this often, but I think I did pretty good. Not entirely sure about the pacing, though. Just hope the author likes it and it helps the story.
thedreamisreal*, for writing such an incredible story! For
mrscastielftw for being my art beta (and cheerleader), Kripke & Co. for the lovely, insanely complicated characters from Supernatural and J.K. Rowling for the awesomeness that is Harry Potter.