Happy Birthday, Drunk

Dec 06, 2009 21:21

WHO: Conner, Arthur, Moon, Gilbert and ???????????? (open for all you alkies and family members~)
WHEN: Sun. Dec. 6th late night
WHERE: Random bar!*cough*theoneArthurandIvanfrequent*cough* Cause no one wants to drink at work for celebrations
WHAT: Conner's sweet 25th. A night out drinking to celebrate
RATING: A for alcohol

99 bottles of Guinness on the wall~ )

happy birthday to me, status: complete, england, mongolia, real men have chest hair, loldrunks, prussia, republic of ireland, alcohol's a food group

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Comments 19

vicious_wolf December 7 2009, 06:00:52 UTC
Considering the bad day he had Friday afternoon, Moon took the weekend off just to relax. He'd told the new guy what to do anyway, and he trusted the boy he could take care of it. He was happy the new kid was one of those that showed a natural talent for the job, and he hadn't made a mistake of any kind yet, so Moon had faith in him.

Right now, he was just strolling the streets, breathing the cold, fresh December air and enjoying his own company.

And even though he'd sworn NEVER to drink again after... THAT incident.... He couldn't really help entering this pub. Maybe they had vodka. And cute girls. The first place he found was a gay club, and he just rushed out before even getting eye contact with anyone. Not that he hated gays, they just.... weren't people he enjoyed hanging with.

So he found a pub that didn't look too bad, and just sat down, ordering a glass of vodka. No mass drinking, just a couple of glasses before heading back home and getting sleep.


godsavemy December 7 2009, 06:03:09 UTC
Arthur lightly ambled down to his much beloved and favourite pub to frequent in Liberty, an upbeat tune hummed by slightly upturned lips that remained so even when he passed through the entrance to see that the pub was more crowded than usual. It wasn’t necessarily his cup of tea to drink a pint in such a lively atmosphere, but tonight he was more than tolerant of the loud guffaws and cheers at the telly which he knew was playing the World Cup match between England and the States (vaguely, he wondered who the chaps were supporting ( ... )


4leaf_charmed December 7 2009, 07:09:33 UTC
Conner finished off the first shot with one toss of his head, glass clinking on the counter sharply after. Not top notch, but it was good enough for now. Mom was sure to send the good stuff anyways as a late present and he could deal with sub par alcohol until then ( ... )


CAN HAZ DERISHUS BIRU?~ ichgewinneimmer December 7 2009, 15:45:50 UTC
It was Sunday, a day of rest for most. For Gilbert it was merely another night to get drunk off of his ass. After all, what good was a day of rest if you couldn't throw a few back to unwind? Gilbert chuckled to himself as he entered the bar. A few dozen drinks would be an awesome start to the night.

Some people (aka his chicks) had warned him about drinking too much by pecking at him. It was either his drinking or needing more food that they were on about, Gilbert honestly couldn't remember stupid details like that. Still, to placate his feathered comrades, he had brought a chick (Fritz II) with him. It roosted quietly on his left shoulder.

"Fritz," Gilbert whispered into his shoulder, "be good and I'll buy you a drink. Now watch and learn. I'm going to fucking own this bar in just a few rounds. They'll all praise my drinking skills."


vicious_wolf December 7 2009, 18:19:29 UTC
A few more people seemed to gather at the bar, and Moon just tilted his head to the side. Not that he expected to recognize anyone, but it didn't hurt just looking.

And what a surprise or was it? when he saw Conner sitting just a couple of feet away. Didn't he usually just stay at the Winchester where he worked? Or was he checking out other pubs? Probably.

Moon saw a couple of others, but decided not to speak up just yet. Maybe if he was quiet and just drank his vodka, he'd be able to leave in a few minutes, without actually having to TALK to anyone. Not that he was a guy who hated to converse, but he just had those days he wasn't the best to talk to, and this time it could easily be blamed on the crappy Friday he had. You never really got used to blood-covered car crash victims and smashed cars.


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