WHO: Albino and Eyebrow Bastard WHEN: Sometime after Mortification and before Madness WHERE: Eyebrow Bastard's Den WHAT: What's a breaking and entering between two old...uh. RATING: Please do not do this at home, children! :D
“Gladly.” The Prussian’s head tilted over the back of the couch, smiling crookedly.
Ten points to himself for sneakiness. Sure, jimmying opening the lock to the Myrtle House may have been illegal but was it worth it to see that look on old Augenbraue’s face. Finding the place (after that really fucked up dream where he’d killed the guy) had been hard enough on it’s own because this city had at least a million Kirklands and finding the exact one, his old partner had taken a good two hours of his precious time
( ... )
“It’s perfectly good beer!” Arthur growled back on reflex, deftly catching the bottle as to not allow it to possibly break and ruin his good rug. He couldn’t count how times they had this argument. Over and over again - in pubs, in the alleys behind pubs, in Gilbert’s shitty kitchen in his shitty flat, in Arthur’s own piss poor flat, and occasionally with one of them on their back and the other…
Well, it was a matter never to be resolved between them to say the least.
“And it would be just lovely if you didn’t waste it, thank you,” he continued seamlessly, eyeing the bottle in his hands with distaste. He wouldn’t give that damn bastard the satisfaction of watching him drink it if he could help it. And so, mindful of the eyes on him, he slowly plodded over to the other side of the kitchen. Looking up, he caught the gaze of the German and with a small smirk carelessly dropped the bottle into a small bin in the corner
( ... )
"Is it against the law to visit an old friend?" Gilbert asked, eyes narrowing at the bottle as it slipped into the trash. Obviously Arthur hadn't changed that much; he wasn't sure if he was pleased or displeased about that.
Better keep testing the waters.
Walking over to the counter nearest Arthur, he heaved himself up onto it, bumping his foot against the Brit's thigh, grinning at the small grey streak it left. "I thought I'd just pop by and see my favourite Englishman. I heard you were in the city and I just had to come see my little Augenbrau." With this, he reached forward, poking said 'Augenbrau'. "Jeez, do you ever trim these things?"
It was a shame. "You'd be so hot without them. I might even consider treating you again~"
If Arthur had learned anything from his affiliation with Gilbert, it was never to rise to the bait. That was exactly what the prick wanted. And if Gilbert wanted something, Arthur desired the exact opposite. It was a juvenile mindset for sure, but one had to fight fire with fire with this particular annoyance.
And so, though he twitched a little at the eyebrow poke, all Arthur said was, "You're dirtying my counter."
Comments 9
Ten points to himself for sneakiness. Sure, jimmying opening the lock to the Myrtle House may have been illegal but was it worth it to see that look on old Augenbraue’s face. Finding the place (after that really fucked up dream where he’d killed the guy) had been hard enough on it’s own because this city had at least a million Kirklands and finding the exact one, his old partner had taken a good two hours of his precious time ( ... )
Well, it was a matter never to be resolved between them to say the least.
“And it would be just lovely if you didn’t waste it, thank you,” he continued seamlessly, eyeing the bottle in his hands with distaste. He wouldn’t give that damn bastard the satisfaction of watching him drink it if he could help it. And so, mindful of the eyes on him, he slowly plodded over to the other side of the kitchen. Looking up, he caught the gaze of the German and with a small smirk carelessly dropped the bottle into a small bin in the corner ( ... )
Better keep testing the waters.
Walking over to the counter nearest Arthur, he heaved himself up onto it, bumping his foot against the Brit's thigh, grinning at the small grey streak it left. "I thought I'd just pop by and see my favourite Englishman. I heard you were in the city and I just had to come see my little Augenbrau." With this, he reached forward, poking said 'Augenbrau'. "Jeez, do you ever trim these things?"
It was a shame. "You'd be so hot without them. I might even consider treating you again~"
And so, though he twitched a little at the eyebrow poke, all Arthur said was, "You're dirtying my counter."
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