r1 -- vegetable stew

Feb 13, 2007 17:18

Internally we're doing some work to help us organize our releases even more; one thing we're doing is numbering our releases. We had to start somewhere ... so today's release is officially "Release #1". However, I also like to eat, and to that end, I decided I wanted to nickname our releases with food names. Today's release "Vegetable Stew", because there's a lot of stuff in it, it's good for you, and it takes a while to finish. :)

ScrapBook Bugs/Enhancements
  • Edit Style shows nothing when it should be "Other" for custom layers
  • Account deletion warning makes it clear that it only applies to your ScrapBook
  • Allow OpenID users to see protected pictures
  • Fix synching of Friends list to ScrapBook
  • Synching ScrapBook's version of Horizon to the one on LiveJournal itself

Bugfixes -- Finally Fixed
  • Fixed comment posting errors ("POST required, or missing parameter.")
  • Fixed site scheme and language reverting when you log in, if you don't use Horizon
  • Fixing the encoding on emailed comment notifications
  • Fixed remaining bugs in the display of the Edit Userpics page
  • Stripping extra stuff that T-Mobile and Verizon add to email posts from cell phones.
  • Fixing problems caused by switching HTML <-> Rich Text when using Internet Explorer

Bugfixes -- S2 Layouts
  • Fixing quickreply behavior when replying to comments whose subjects have " marks in them.
  • Fixing userpic display in Style Contest / Magic Paper theme.
  • Fixing A Novel Conundrum sometimes crashing IE
  • Fixing Cuteness Attack in Internet Explorer, take two

Bugfixes -- Kinda Minor
  • Edit Userpics page no longer tells Plus-turned-Paid users to upgrade for more userpics
  • Fix bug where sometimes deleted announcement in My LJ would re-appear
  • Fixing 15-minute delay before you could see protected posts, when joining a community.
  • Fixing sorting memories by journal the entry was posted in.
  • Adding a user to your Friends list using the contextual popup generates a notification
  • Fixing display of the Edit Entry page for Plus users in Internet Explorer
  • Fixing redirects for entries for users who have underscores in their usernames
  • Enforcing maximum friends limit when friending users through the contextual hover menus
  • Fixing the way "irreparable invalid markup" errors would sometimes cause HTML tags to "bleed" into the rest of the page

Bugfixes -- Most People Probably Didn't Even Notice This Was Broken
  • Deleting your FOAF URL works now.
  • Better error message when you try to create an account with a reserved username that's been purged
  • Only displaying visible users on the Friends List (and not deleted/suspended/etc users)
  • Displaying "Parent" links when using ?view=flat on site scheme pages
  • Allow OpenID users to set an email address without having to provide a password.
  • Fixing the Update Journal page for text-only browsers.
  • Updating maintainer list on a community's profile immediately if a maintainer leaves the community.
  • Fixing syndication aggregator so it retrieves links even if the feed doesn't explicitly include rel="alternate"
  • Spell checking an entry no longer destroys the date/time you selected.
  • Allowing Basic/Early Adopter users to set their ad preferences for the times that they do see ads
  • Disable creating syndicated accounts for feeds that are on LiveJournal.
  • Fixing display of the News page in Dystopia
  • Don't send error messages for email posts to your registered email address, if you didn't ask to get errors at all
  • Updating error message when posting entries to say "Date Out of Order" instead of "backdated"
  • Fixing HTML formatting for entries in the Message Center if they have "Disable Auto-Formatting" enabled

Functionality Updates/Enhancements
  • The Rich Text editor is now the default editor on the Update Journal page for new users and logged-out users
  • Adding a Poll Wizard to the Rich Text editor, so you can make polls right on the Update Journal page
  • TxtLJ now defaults to "Post" if you forget to specify a valid command
  • Creating a syndicated feed automatically adds it to your Friends list
  • Hiding deleted journals from the "Work as User" menu on all but the undelete page.
  • Adding a validation link to password reset emails, if a user's email address isn't validated.
  • Adding a bunch of new video providers
  • New Virtual Gifts (and a couple easter eggs...)
  • New VGift management page linked from the bottom of your profile
  • The Voice Post Numbers page temporarily redirects to the

    paidmembers  post about the toll-free number

Display Updates/Enhancements
  • Removing Gizmo sponsorship stuff, as their sponsorship is over.
  • Stylistic modifications to Horizon
  • Stylistic tweaks to the Community Management, Community Members, Community Settings, Manage Community Invites, and Manage Schools pages
  • Labeling the "Insert Image" button on the HTML version of the Update Journal page
  • Removing FRNK Radio from the Horizon menus

S2 Updates/Enhancements
  • New Expressive themes from Vox
  • Tranquility II now supports displaying userpics on your latest entries (and its HTML validates!)
  • New Mixit themes for Valentine's Day

As always, if anything gang aft agley during this release, please feel free to comment. If you have questions or concerns unrelated to anything listed above, please file a support request and someone on our Support Team will help you out. :)
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