
Feb 08, 2007 23:53

We have a pretty big release planned for next week -- we think we've squished some of the most obnoxious bugs we've all been experiencing lately (including both comment errors and the site scheme flipping back when you log in). I'll be posting here when we do the release, with full details as usual, so keep an eye out. Apologies for the serious irritation these caused -- they irritated us just as much as they're irritating you, so I know how much of an annoyance they are.

However, my post today is for a totally unrelated purpose: This community has no userpics! And I know we have some skilled iconsmiths among the readers of lj_releases. Anyone wanna make one and offer it up? Content is totally up to you as long as it's at least somewhat kind of sort of relevant to the community's purposes. If multiple people make icons I'll just upload them all and change the one that appears on the profile every so often. And, yes, I'll credit. :)

Thanks in advance, guys.

EDIT: While I'm at it -- if you know people who are interested in what's changing with LJ, but aren't watching this community, please feel free to encourage them to friend it! This community is one of the primary ways that we communicate our changes to the userbase, so the more watchers we have, the better informed everyone is. :)
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