r2 -- basil

Mar 01, 2007 15:28

Welcome to release #2, nicknamed "Basil". There aren't very many user-facing/user-visible changes in this, but there is a lot of stuff changing in the backend. We've gone through things thoroughly and we'll be keeping an eye out to make sure that things are going smoothly. As always, feel free to comment if anything starts acting up.

Backend Code Updates -- No User-Visible Changes (Hopefully!)
  • Polls
  • Some database queries
  • Admin console
  • Login page
  • Recent Posts pages (eg the "Explore LJ" page)
  • S2 layouts

  • Fixing the "Error saving layer" error messages in the Customize areas
  • Fixing error messages on some people's VGift pages
  • Fixing weird display on some people's VGift pages
  • Fixing Google video embedding through the Rich Text editor
  • Console update so 'set trusted_s1' won't nuke your existing values
  • Fixes to the bug where some people were seeing "change your password" errors when they shouldn't
  • Fixing display error on the "Look & Feel" and the "Viewing Options" pages
  • Fixing the Mobile Friends page so that entries with links in the subjects display properly.
  • Your OpenID URL works to log in to sites even if you don't include the trailing slash
  • Expressive: Fixing the "Scribe" theme, and fixing stylesheet inclusion for themes with "parents"

  • The Random User page will start working again! (Pulls from all recently-publically-updated users' journals)
  • Edit Journal Privacy page for paid users, changing privacy of a block of entries all at once
  • New LiveJournal Tour
  • Updates to the Edit Friends page
  • AJAXy viewing of poll responses
  • Logging out now no longer redirects you to the home page
  • Interest searches now sort communities by last-updated times instead of alphabetically

Updates/Enhancements -- Various and Sundry
  • Increasing the size of the moderation queue for paid communities (100 entries in queue, 5 per poster)
  • Fixing the rest of S2 layouts so their 'blurbs' or 'about my journal' boxes take HTML
  • Adding links to the Mobile Friends page to go back/forward more than 50 entries
  • Updates to the Staff page
  • Stylistic tweaks to the Invite Friend page
  • Removing Emo Heart, Candy Hearts, and Be Mine VGifts from the Gift Shop
  • Initial styles for new users: Free is still Flexible Squares, Plus is now Component/Bluetiful, Paid is Tranquility II/Fresh
  • New users are added to their friends list when creating accounts, and see a "This is your Friends page" type of entry
  • New accounts now display their birthday by default
  • "Insert Image" on the Update Journal page now works for logged-out users
  • "Bad username" error (for lj user tags) now also displays what the user entered
  • Displaying ads to logged-out users on some site pages
  • Userpics page (allpics.bml), Memories page, and To-Do pages all treated as "journal" pages (so ads are displayed on Plus users' pages, to Plus/Basic users, rather than to Plus users on everyone's pages)
  • EDIT: (I forgot to include this) Replacing the "My LJ" link on the navigation strip with a link to the homepage.

Known Issues
  • TEMPORARILY DISABLED: Edit Journal Privacy is temporarily disabled while we work to figure out a problem it was causing where tags would be removed from entries. Should be available Monday.
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