
Jan 22, 2007 16:56

So today we're finally getting a chance to catch up with most of the stuff that we've done since December. There's a lot of stuff going out in this release. About half of the stuff that's changing is purely backend changes, so if all goes well they won't be user-visible at all; we've gone over everything very carefully, and so we're hoping for a smooth release. Expected flight time is about an hour and 45 minutes. As always, if you start receiving unusual errors, or if something broke in weird ways, feel free to comment.

Already Done / Backend Work
  • ALREADY DONE: Switching the statistics aggregation system from Hitbox to Omniture, as outlined in

  • ALREADY DONE: Re-enabling IM as a notification option for stuff you're tracking
  • Various changes to backend code libraries (nothing user-facing)
  • Various changes to JavaScript declarations on site pages (also nothing user-facing)
  • Various changes to the way the information on user profiles is aggregated (no presentational changes)

  • Forcing users with underscores in their usernames to either use hyphens or, due to Internet restrictions on permissible charactres in subdomain. (In particular, this means we're redirecting to, and to Users with underscores at the beginning/end are still allowed to claim a free rename token.
  • Better FAQ search weighting so that more relevant results float up to the top of the list
  • Adding tag views for RSS/Atom -- just add ?tag=tagname or ?tag=tag1,tag2 to the feed URL
  • Enforcing restrictions on table HTML in entries and comments, for basic sanity checks on the HTML (eg, no opening "tr" tags without an open table.)
  • Adding a create account link to comment forms when logged out
  • Cleanup and reorganization of the Edit Userpics page
  • A prompt for users to give us feedback when they delete their accounts
  • Cleanup on the Manage Community Invites page
  • Adding an option to add ?view=flat to site scheme comment pages (like what's been available in S2), to un-nest comments.
  • Creating a page to view your entire Friends list (mostly useful for people who have 500+ friends), linked from the Friends count on the profile.

Updates/Enhancements -- S2
  • Updated all free text modules in all S2 styles to allow HTML
  • Adding theme previews for Cuteness Attack, Flexible Squares, Quite Lickable, and Nebula
  • Adding credit for the creators of Expressive themes

Bugfixes -- Yay It's Finally Fixed
  • Fix "more options" button on quickreply so it shows the text of the entry you're replying to
  • Tweaking submit buttons for comments so that it works on Win Mobile IE
  • Fixed error message when you upload a GIF userpic over 40kb (it would previously say that the userpic was over 100x100 pixels)
  • Fixing the way that language and site scheme cookies are set when logging in
  • Removing the extra stuff that T-Mobile includes in their email image posts

Bugfixes -- That Kind Of Bugged Me
  • Fixed notifications system so you can subscribe to your own screened comment
  • Fixed error messages when subscribing to deleted/screened comments
  • Fixed polls so that it'd only show "View Answers" links if you can actually view individual results
  • Fixing "irreparable invalid markup" errors in syndicated feeds when the source feed has an apostrophe in the URL.
  • DELAYED: Fixing the way "irreparable invalid markup" errors would sometimes cause HTML tags to "bleed" into the rest of the page
  • Fixing the way HTML cleaners would screw tables up if you didn't close your or tags (no more page breaking!)
  • Fixing the syndication system to prevent re-aggregation of posts that have really long URLs.
  • Fixing contextual hover menus scrolling off side of the page
  • Fixing the Popular FAQs page
  • Cleaning up homepage CSS, fixing the logged-out non-English weird-display bug
  • Fixing horizontal scrollbar on journals when logged out and in Firefox
  • Hide IM notification options on /manage/profile for non-personal journals
  • Entry count on the profile would decrease by two when deleting one entry
  • Fixing bug that caused directory search results that included OpenID users to fail
  • Fixing bug that caused the directory search to ignore the city/state if you didn't select a country.
  • Fixing Horizon mini-sitemap display in Safari

Bugfixes -- Various and Sundry
  • Fixing delivery date weirdness in cases where you're buying delayed userpics for someone whose paid account is expiring
  • Fixing account level name display on some pages where it'd display "Plus Account" for Plus-turned-Paid accounts
  • Fixing credit card expiration mailings for users enrolled in automatic payments
  • Fixing date formatting error in "Automatic payment date approaching" email
  • Fixing default subject for community entry through TxtLJ
  • Fixing ad display on site scheme pages when logged out
  • Fixing the browser title used when an entry starts with an lj-cut made in the Rich Text Editor
  • Fixing error that people would get when changing passwords, if their displayed names were blank
  • Fixing email posts that sometimes inject spaces into URLs and at the end of lines
  • Fix current mood behavior in email posts (if you specify a mood, it first tries to match it to an existing mood; otherwise, lists as "other")
  • Keep "disable auto-format" enabled when spellchecking on the Update Journal page
  • Adding the "wrap" attribute to update.bml (for text browsers)
  • Fixing link to the Community Settings (on the Horizon Manage page) when working as a comm

Bugfixes -- S2
  • Fixing theme previews for A Novel Conundrum, Digital Multiplex
  • Fixing link list formatting in Flexible Squares
  • Fixing Cuteness Attack in Internet Explorer
  • Display subject icons in Bloggish/Style Contest
  • Fixing friends color display on Expressive/Mixit friends pages
  • Fixing tag display in Generator so it aligns with the rest of the metadata (current mood, music, etc.)
  • Fixing comment display bug in Style Contest "Shadow Dancers" theme
  • Fixing Expressive "Playful Clouds" subject line display
  • Fixing Gradient's "Floral Mist" theme's color declarations
  • Getting rid of unnecessary horizontal scrollbar on Style Contest "Fleur" theme
  • Attempting to fix the weird shrinking userpics bug in Bloggish.
  • Fixing sidebar modules in Style Contest "Cartoon" theme
  • Fixing comment text size in Style Contest "Espresso at Midnight" theme

.... Well, I said there'd be a lot. :) We're all keeping a close eye on everything, and in case of any weirdness, please feel free to comment. If you have a question or complaint about something not directly related to anything listed above, please open a Support request instead.

Thank you for flying Air LJ Releases!
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