A Dreamwidth Holiday, Let's Pack the Blog Away....

Jun 22, 2009 15:51

You bring the lunch and tea, I'll take the angst and squee ( Read more... )

dreamwidth, wow, life, meme

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Comments 14

astrogirl2 June 23 2009, 01:51:44 UTC
I see absolutely no difference, which makes me happy. *does the dance of happy*

Also, yay, Sydney icons! Because you totally do need them. :)


lizamanynames June 23 2009, 21:09:51 UTC
I'm glad the lack of change works for you. ^_^

And yes, as soon as me and Photoshop are at the same comeputer at the same time, a Sydney icon will be made. *wicked grin*


astrogirl2 June 23 2009, 21:11:19 UTC
Well, you know, I fear change. But I love Sydney. Even if he is sometimes scary, too. :)


vilakins June 23 2009, 02:22:34 UTC
I'm doing the same as you: posting at DW and cross-posting to here. However I won't be reading and commenting on DW till they get their reading filter--which should be pretty soon, yay!--and then I'll ask where people consider their main account to be. :-) I have a premium account there too so I could use all my icons in both places.

Ooookay, interests. Here are some I don't know anything about:
- aqua (which I assume isn't Roman water)
- callahan's crosstime saloon
- dcu
- kingdom hearts
- lemon demon
- promethea (female Prometheus?)
- robot chicken
- roxette

And yay for xenolinguistics! (uses only Uhura icon--so far]


lizamanynames July 4 2009, 22:22:35 UTC
Aqua - this actually refers to the Danish band Aqua - of Barbie Girl, Candyman and Cartoon Heroes fame. I really really like them.

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon - is a series of books written by Spider Robinson about a bar in New Jersey (though it moves to Key West later in the series) run by a big balding Irishman named Mike Callahan (and later the narrator, a folksigner named Jake), under the principle that "shared pain is lessened, shared joy increased". People of all kinds - including time-travelers, a hyper-intelligent talking dog, AIs, alien cyborg assassins, a vampire, and various psychics - who are in pain find there way there by a kind of field of magical coincidence, tell their stories by the fireplace, and the patrons of the bar do what they can to help. It's the kind of place where someone trying to rob the place could end up working there. They've stopped more than one alien invasion by getting the aggressors heroically drunk. Spoilery Wiki Article HereDCU - stands for Detective Comics Universe and refers to the universe ( ... )


vilakins July 4 2009, 22:58:22 UTC
I love the idea of Callahan's and Kingdom Hearts! I'll have to see if I can get the stories from the library (I didn't read the spoilery article) but so much classic SF just isn't stocked any more.

The idea of Promethea sounds really interesting.

Geeks in Love is utterly joyous, and the animation is so witty. [adores]

Thank you!


lizamanynames July 5 2009, 18:49:26 UTC
It's a poor library that doesn't have Spider Robinson - the man's a Hugo award winner.

Promethea is interesting, although in later issues it sort of turns into an illustrated guide to the author's metaphysical beliefs. Fortunately, those ARE interesting, and very thought provoking, but it's certainly not an adventure comic anymore.

Only the lack of a downloadable mp3 at the time prevented "geeks in Love" from being played at my wedding.


Out of your listed interests, I choose: squeeing, glowy blue plant sex, and multiverse theory neuroaster June 23 2009, 02:53:32 UTC
EXCLUSIVE REPORT: The discussion-thread that got me BANNED from an online-forum: http://tinyurl.com/NOTsafe4work AND my own satire of it: http://goofballsdomain.myfreeforum.org/ (My satire of it IS safe4work)

IN OTHER NEWS: Grandma Dolly says 'hi' :) I had an awesome visit with GrandmaDolly on Friday :) She even gave me a bowl of ice-cream and blueberries :)

It was HOT in the building where my Grandma Dolly lives; she said they still haven't fixed the air-conditioning

GrandmaDolly said: "Why does our news bother covering the Iran election? I have enough trouble following our own country's news."


Re: Out of your listed interests, I choose: squeeing, glowy blue plant sex, and multiverse theory lizamanynames July 4 2009, 19:45:25 UTC
Squeeing: "squee" is the noise made by an excited fangirl; to squee is to gush excitedly about fannish things.

Glowy Blue Plant Sex: *laughs* Okay, in the show Farscape, there's a character who is an alien descended from plants, and she's blue. She has a relationship with another alien, who is an energy being made of pure golden light inside a human-looking body - which he can let out through a hole in his face he conceals under a mask. Now the plant lady, she experiences something called "photogasms" when exposed to bright lights... yeah. From there it's pretty self explanatory, right? I'm a fan of both characters and their relationship, "Glowy Blue Plant Sex" is me being facetious about it.

Multiverse theory: the theory that there are alternate universes, existing out there somewhere in tandem with our own. :)

I have great sympathy for grandma Dolly - the weather around here was brutally hot around the same time - though it's better now.


tringa June 23 2009, 12:28:37 UTC
Wooooo! You are playing WoW! You mentioned you are playing Alliance? I'm cool; won't hold it against you.

Sure! Jabber on about your 'toon. I loooooove mine!

For the Horde! oops... could't help it. ;P


lizamanynames June 23 2009, 19:49:56 UTC
I have an aliance AND a Horde character - I'm open minded. My Draenai is my main, though, cause I like watching her butt wiggle. XD


(The comment has been removed)

lizamanynames June 23 2009, 19:51:19 UTC
My Draenai says "*rude gesture*".

And y'know what? My Tauren says "*rude gesture*" too. :P


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