A Dreamwidth Holiday, Let's Pack the Blog Away....

Jun 22, 2009 15:51

You bring the lunch and tea, I'll take the angst and squee!

Ahem. Moving to Dreamwidth sucessfully completed. The way I have it set up, I will make posts in DW, and they will automatically be cross-posted in my lj, with comments turned on, which I will get in my in-box as normal, and reply with my lj, as I can be logged in to both that and my DW at the same time. I have also set up my DW reading page to contain all my LJ f'list - and I will comment there as normal, too. So the upshot of all this is: pretty much no observable change AT ALL. It's all on my end.

The other big change around here is that Mike and I have a WoW account, and I've been playing pretty regularily. Anybody who wants to be on a WoW filter let me know, and there will be a locked post following this one (both to keep my info away from random internet pervs AND to spare most of you from the "wippy blardy vibble spink World-of-Warcraft noobble Viagra" that is people talking about WoW when you don't yourself play. It's like a whole other language, I swear to GOD.

Oh, that reminds me, my shiny new Primium account comes with EVEN MORE iconspace, so I have some slots for new icons and some specific ideas of how to fill them; I want a WoW icon (and if anybody's willing to make me one, I have some ideas), an Elfquest, and a Sydney (though I have an idea for that last one, I just need the damn TIME to make it).

A meme I've been saving for just this occasion, as also with my DW account comes MORE INTRESTS SPACE:

Comment on this post, choosing 1-10 interests from my profile and I will explain what they mean and why I am interested in them.

That all for me, what's new with you?

-The 5th Doctor, Time Crash

dreamwidth, wow, life, meme

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