Are kids are opposites - Alex is always below average on weight and height, but above on head. Matthew is just straight across the board. I'll have to look at the twice the 2 1/2 year old height for our boys.
Let's see... Zoe has a big head, average height, and low weight. You wouldn't know that she's "skinny" - she looks quite normal. My pedi insists that she's the 10th percentile in weight when the gastro specialist a couple of weeks ago said she was back up to the 50th percentile.
Looking at these stats, I suspect that Zoe's hand-me-downs won't be of use to Elyssa by the time Zoe outgrows the next batch. Zoe is 13 lb 8 oz currently with a length of 25 in. She still wears 3-6 mo size pants and 6-9 mo size shirts.
Let me know if you want to come by again and go through clothes. We need a day where it's cool & we have no kids to go through all of the clothes in our attic and deal with them. Daunting.
Comments 13
gives you even more exact percentages. Yes, we mamas obsess over stupid things.
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