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Comments 3

neptunia67 March 25 2009, 02:53:28 UTC
--if they start using drugs to adjust people's PGC-1b gene expression and prevent type II diabetes, they'll be missing the point that you could just stop consuming so much fructose instead of taking a drug

Yes. And there are likely to be unwanted side effects from taking a drug, too. HFCS is bad, bad stuff. It is everywhere, like your notes say... in the most unlikely of "foods" like soups, chili, pasta sauce, rice pilaf... everywhere.


1bigguy March 25 2009, 12:46:37 UTC
Did anyone else see the ads that were on TV for a week or two from the HFCS people who were claiming that this stuff was healthy? I just about threw the remote at the TV.


liveonearth March 25 2009, 20:55:15 UTC
My world is TV free, so no, I didn't see the ads. But I'm not surprised. The battle for American "minds and hearts" is fought on the boob tube. What bit of minds we have left.


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