Beware! Tony-centric rambling, ravings, swoonings and squeeings behind the cut, along with 27 poorly cut and coloured caps!
tejas, I swear I'm totally re-writing as well. I just got distracted by Tony's nose and hair. Again. ;-)
7x05 - Code of Conduct )
Protective!Tony is one of my favourite things ever - I adore him stalking around behind Abby in Bloodbath and how very on-the-ball he is in that episode, and the way Gibbs and him really work together to protect her. I also love in Murder 2.0 - the one with the internet-filmed murder, is that the right episode? I think so - when they've left the office with Gibbs despite the threats to his life, and Tony mutters in kind of resigned frustration that he wishes Gibbs had stayed in the car. And Gibbs is like, "Shut up or I'll shoot you", like he's been harping on about it because he's such ( ... )
Quite possibly, I don't imagine he would be the sort of actor you can get last minute.
It's basically just the mountains high enough to get snow in winter and where people going skiing. We were the opposite, having extreme heat last summer with 40+ days. Luckily I was in New Zealand through the worst of it. You are obviously living in the wrong country. But I don't really recommend moving to Melbourne unless you are able to put with 4 seasons in one day. *g*
He certainly seems like he'd be in demand, and he's quite a bit older than I thought! I didn't realise, from what you were saying over in the no_tiva comm, that he was portrayed in quite such a negative light in the film. But like you say, he mustn't feel too strongly against MW particualrly for that, or I doubt he'd have signed on ( ... )
I have no strong feelings either way on Christopher Walken, but I am feeling more and more that I need to see this movie! I knew he was on the yacht too, but didn't know too many details. MW seems fairly cool about the whole thing, if you've seen his chat transcript! Going to be very interesting. I think I'm a bit sleepy at the moment, I've calmed down a lot after the initial excitement - I may make it through the next two months after all!
There are a lot of people from Greece and Spain on my course, and they are already totally over our weather and having to wear a million layers, LOL! It's not great. Our snow is great! But it turns to mucky slush awfully quickly.
Our snow is very icy and hard, which makes it very bad for making snowballs and snowmen.
Ice in your eyes is not a good plan! Although I bizarrely prefer harder snow to ski on, mostly because I always lose stuff in powder - skis, gloves, poles, ability!
I have never skiied so I can't say what it's like to ski on. As kids we always went tobogganing and it's been years since the last time we went.
(just want to add that you need to do a new picspam so we can start a new conversation ;-)
I stand forewarned! It sounds like it might be something I'd be better off watching on mute with some music on. I've gotten through Loving on Youtube with my hands over my mouth and eyes due to embarrassment on his part!
LOL, I'll get right on it! Well, I'll start intensive capping of S2 on Friday and over the weekend - and I need to see 7x06 when I get home tonight, although I'm not sure I'll cap-review. I needed to do it for 7x05 because I was squeeing quite a lot, but as this is a Franks-heavy episode (I've already totally spoiled myself!) there may only be minor snippets of awesome!DiNozzo! ;-) Have you watched it yet?
I love season 2 Tony! Very Hot *g*
Yeah, I watched and wasn't overly impressed. I really don't like Franks. There was very little Tony in the ep but he was looking really good in the few scenes he was in. And he wasn't shown as being too stupid either which is always good, although they brought back the slightly racist aspect of his character.
He really is gorgeous in S2. And there are loads of episodes I adore from that season! I'm going to be blind from hotness by the time I'm done!
Franks is the character in NCIS I come closest to disliking, which is saying quite a lot because mostly I adore everyone on the show. I like that he's been so important to Gibbs and was ace with him in the past when he joined NCIS - but does he have to reappear every year in ever-more ridiculous scenarios?
Glad Tony was looking good - he certainly looked hot in the preview - and it was him getting blown up, though I have seen no evidence of whump. *pouts* Not sure how I'll feel about the racist angle - it never goes outrageously far, I guess, and it is fairly realistic. I quite liked the way he was goofing around in the preview about the citizenship issue, too, and he's definitely my American Dream. Thought that line was cynically spot on, very Tony!
No really whump after being blown up, although he does comment after that he's not exactly at his best. Maybe a possibility for some fanfic, if anyone was writing any. Where has all the fanfic gone lately? As someone who came from an immigrent background, I'm a little surprised at his attitude. And his ability to be sympathic towards people makes it surprising that he is even slightly racist. In this case I think it was more about annoying Ziva. Oh yeah, he's definitly my American dream as well. *g*
The lack of whump was disappointing (and yeah, I could never really get too annoyed at Franks in Faking It because Gibbs ( ... )
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