~beautiful things exist in this world~

Aug 31, 2008 23:00

24 Hour TV basically stole my entire weekend and tore my heart to pieces, but I couldn't care less, even with the shredded heart, even with the lost days, that show was the best thing that could have happened. I am so proud to be an Arashi fan right now.

So why am I posting random show/non-24 Jikan Terebi related screenies now? Who knows. ^_ ( Read more... )

misc show, birthday, jun, screen capping is an addiction, himitsu

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Comments 31

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litany_sh September 2 2008, 02:16:39 UTC
I have a feeling the language barrier puts a stopper to some of my tears, but even the stuff I can plainly see is so touching and lovely.

Arashi is amazing, truly truly. <3


karasu_0 September 1 2008, 13:12:45 UTC
24hr stole my weekend,nearly 25 hours of sleep but in the end it was definitely worth it~ T^T
if they host it again,i'll gladly follow it again XD

I can't make any fanvid, write any story/essay or compile any sort masterpiece that expresses my gratitude towards him adequately

ooooh..I know that feeling very well! ;^;
though Nino put it really nicely yesterday :p "出会ってよかった"


litany_sh September 2 2008, 02:20:59 UTC
....I was soooo incredibly mad at myself for missing both the ending and the beginning. Next time (please let there be a next time) I vow to stay up for the whole thing. XD

Nino. He really puts together beautiful speeches *thinking about time concert too*
(and I'm very glad to say that those are 2 of the very limited amount of kanji that I actually know ^^)


delta150 September 1 2008, 14:30:52 UTC
I'm really glad arashi was born, especially Jun. Ep. 108 kept me laughing the entire time. I had to rewatch it.
I love your pic spam. The comments are too funny. I wonder why I didn't notice all the Jun-Nino-Ohno moments. Since all the parings of those 3 are my fav.


litany_sh September 2 2008, 02:26:51 UTC
I'm gonna have to rewatch 108 too. ^^
Thank you! Haha, I find that depending on my mood, sometimes I notice pairing moments and sometimes I don't, and sometimes I notice things that don't even happen, and when I go back to find them they're not there. XDD

I've seen you on my journal before ne, and I like your comments (plus we have similar tastes in pairings^^), wanna be friends?


delta150 September 2 2008, 21:17:33 UTC
Oh. Okay. Yoroshikun oneigaishimasu. I really mean that. I still feel clueless around the Arashi community cause I'm newbie. I think it's been 5 months. Being a high schooler really hurts, since my parents don't let me buy anything. But that's besides the point. I can't wait for Taiji to sub because Matsumiya is fav. and I'm dying to see more. Thanks for the videos you give. Oh sorry for my long yet odd introduction.


litany_sh September 2 2008, 23:39:49 UTC
Douzo yoroshiku^^ the Arashi community remains confusing for a looong time. LJ, vox, a few websites, and then there's this very foreign thing called clubbox, and nobody really knows whats going on there. XDD, believe me, I've been here for more than a year and I'm still confused by a lot of it. But if you have any questions, I like to feel helpful, so ask me anything. ^^

It's odd, I never bought any Arashi goods until about 4 months into being a completely obsessive dork. But yeah, it hurts being a college student too. I buy things... but I usually have mixed feelings about spending money when I have to be so conscious of costs and such. XD, sorry, I'm ranting. Taijiproject/Becky is seriously a goddess for the Arashi fandom.
Oh, sharing vids is so much fun, so you're very welcome! I have a really nifty internet connection at my disposal right now and I want to use it for the power of good and all that. ^^


kos_mos26 September 1 2008, 15:51:16 UTC
My you've been so busy these days, please get at least a little sleep, L-chan. And OMG, Himitsu looks fantastic~ You know, its always after their variety shows loose their original purpose that they become great programs anyway, so things can only get better~

Lol, Matsujun was probably the only one to like those One Love hand movement things. And...Ohno looked really cute the entire episode. And the MatsuOhmiya...well really it was just Jun trying to steal Ohno again from what I can tell. XD

Aww, what a nice little dedication before the Jun picspam, beautiful~ And then there was all the Jun of course. Chibi!Jun was absolutely the cutest thing to have ever walked the earth. Why did he have to grow up? ;___;

But then that shot with Aiba's letter...I still think it was better then Nino's (thats the only part of 24 I've seen yet...I fail ;__;)...and I don't know why...

Okay, I'll stop. Thanks for the spam, it was yummy~


litany_sh September 2 2008, 03:00:44 UTC
...uploading things is what I do when I feel like I haven't been doing enough, and then I feel like I need to get back on track with pic/screenie-spamming, and doing both at the same time can be hectic, but it was a 3-day weekend sooo~ ^____^ Thanks for caring K-chan!
OMG, HnA was fantastic! ;P I just hope Himitsu stays with the same type of things they did in this ep and doesn't go back to the calorie counting/make-up applying crap again. That's a very optimistic variety show theory you have there.^^ Let's hope this program manages to join the greats and doesn't shakily fall into the same pit as GRA.

Jun was the only one doing the hand movements! XD, I was cracking up horribly. Haha, let's keep our MatsuOhmiya dreams (I would give anything to see Jun try and steal Nino away from Ohno for a change ( ... )


kos_mos26 September 2 2008, 06:38:08 UTC
Of course I care! Just don't upload and spam yourself exhausted, even if it's a three day weekend. (most people use that extra time to relax you know ( ... )


litany_sh September 2 2008, 23:25:35 UTC
XD, relax? what's that? (no no, I actually read an entire book yesterday, for fun, so if anything I'm relaxing to much)

*snicker* even though I like playing dress-up once in a while, srsly don't understand how people can spend more than half of their lives putting on glitter and pretending to be freaking anorexic dolls.

Ahhh, aging is depressing. I try to just believe in timelessness, every moment is everlasting kind of thing... I told myself that I would never have another quarter life crisis k-chan, so please stop trying to bring it on. ^^ OoooOOOooo yes! Before Arashi we were living in 'Pleasantville' XDD

(Shukudai-kun... At least watch the Shukudai-kun from this week. Oh, I hope someone *ahem, yuckie-chan* subs that soon so you watch it. It doesn't contain a lot of what made 24 Jikan awesome, but it's touching and hilarious anyway)


japan_for_dream September 1 2008, 21:09:21 UTC
Matsujun is love. Beloved person from Arshi whom we like so much. ahhh These photos show real Jun-kuns, and they are so wonderful.

I wish 24 jikan terebi everyday.
sound of Nino letter made something in my head, brain and heart. Made of love and a bit of sadness in voice, for all who are near Arashi.


litany_sh September 2 2008, 03:09:21 UTC
Jun really is irreplaceable in Arashi, just like all of them are. Gosh I hope that man enjoyed his very very busy birthday.

^^ I would probably be so overwhelmed if they did it more than once a year, but gosh it was lovely. I never want to forget this year's 24 jikan.

<3 Something about Nino's voice and words in that letter will stay with me forever. The 6th member of Arashi, I hope to always be a part of them.


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