~beautiful things exist in this world~

Aug 31, 2008 23:00

24 Hour TV basically stole my entire weekend and tore my heart to pieces, but I couldn't care less, even with the shredded heart, even with the lost days, that show was the best thing that could have happened. I am so proud to be an Arashi fan right now.

So why am I posting random show/non-24 Jikan Terebi related screenies now? Who knows. ^_^;;;

I liked this episode, even though the show might have lost it's purpose, if these kinds of episodes result, I truthfully don't mind.

Himitsu no Arashi-chan 20 really got going when the awesome AD had a beautiful idea.
Musical Chairs.

of course, this was the only direction it could go in, la

sitting there for a looong time together ^^

Ohno's upgraded his 'Umai' faces again. XP

eating. without the Neen. This is what happens in Musical Chairs T_T

Nino looks longingly from afar

Notices eyes on him and looks down. Looks up again because can't resist. Soooo cute~~~<3


Yay, food!

yes dear.
My mom has that hat, and she has baaad taste.

sea monsters are scary~

least this guy humors the phantom injury


and Jun get's back at the sea monster by eating IT. HE ATE IT RIGHT OUT OF THE OCEAN! O_o Yummy?

idk, Nino looks at Aibabe and it makes me happy?

Nino's trying to mark his territory (note arm-shoulder),


Somehow Jun steals Oh-chan away when Neener's distracted by the Sho phone conversation. XD, guess that's what Nino get's for two-timing Ohno on Shukudai-kun (with Sho ^^) a week ago. ^^

Nino: 'WTH happened here? at least hold my hand!'

Jun was doing the little One Love hand moves with musical chairs, so cute!

...I'm gonna have to try and figure out what his shirt says, probably isn't too interesting, but~

WATERMELON! Yes, im very happy

Ohno's happy too~

Who wouldn't be happy riding the trunk of an elephant? XP

...Why does our Aiba, animal program host extraordinaire, always have the most trouble with animals? *pats* poor thing.

*giggle* Ohno likes big balls *dies*

...upgraded taste-face part two

and, again, what other direction could this possibly go? XD, I do love how Ooshima popped out of nowhere.
hilarious because there was totally an open chair near her that she completely ignored. ^^

Jun teasing her, socute

I'm loving these three waaay too much. <3

and now,
Random pic time? Not so random?

Who cares if it's not his b-day anymore?

My thoughts on Jun have changed in many ways since he baited me into Arashi more than a year ago. Mostly for the better. I've seen different sides of him--beauty, dork, poise, silliness, success, failure, DoS, caring, angry, professional. No matter how much I see, I still can't put into words how glad I am that he was born. I can't make any fanvid, write any story/essay or compile any sort masterpiece that expresses my gratitude towards him adequately, though that probably won't stop me from trying any time soon.

(Here's hoping I can put together a Jun-dedicated fanvid some time this week!)

CHIBI! Who doesn't want to pinch these cheeks?

this smile kills forever.

...adorable. something about little Jun calls out to ALL of my non-existant motherly instincts.

Dork #2 #1

I should be upset that he's a cuter girl than I was. But I'm not.

appropriate for the times ne ♥ TT_TT

He's a cat person, and it's not my just biased opinion...


Ignore the fact that Jun obviously needs some sleep here, look at the tank! ;P

...This once, can forgive the tongue.

Sleeping beauty, but 100 times better-looking and male.

Ordinary hair can be nice sometimes Jun, please try it more often!

...extensions look good here.

no words nessesary.



I love Becky (taijiproject saves souls! ^^). I love D no Arashi. I love Arashi. I love life. D no Arashi 108, btw, is FANTASTIC. Almost had a fit watching it, was trying so hard not to laugh loud enough for everyone to hear. Didn't succeed ^_^;;; BECAUSE IT'S THAT AWESOME! I try not to screen cap subbed files to much, but that episode.... *_*

misc show, birthday, jun, screen capping is an addiction, himitsu

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