lots happens in 7 days, but that's why Arashi is so much fun

Sep 08, 2008 20:39

I'm stalking about LJ rather more quietly than usual recently, am gonna try to remedy that a little, because people are ♥

Good things come to an end. Good things begin. Nino's drama. I am looking forward to it so much even as I struggle to comprehend that Maou is actually having it's final episode this week.
So, first 15 sec preview of Ryusei no Kizuna wasn't anything special. Besides the fact that Nino proves for the 3924054 time that his voice is freakin' amazing. Make Ebenezer Scrooge/Mr. Burns cry, move mountains, cure death kind of amazing. *_* Also, This is somehow my new wallpaper. It's just a screen cap people, not modified at all, that's what HD quality gets ya. (Gachapin box is sooo nice like that :))
but...my desktop wallie changes about everyday now because Arashi fandom has gone wild, so~~ (omgosh, those pamphlet scans *_*)

Kokuritsu con thoughts (I don't have many).
Every time I hear about a successful Arashi concert it is such a relief. Being a pessimistic optimist, I'm always doubtful as to whether Arashi can continue to be so amazingly awesome all the time, and especially with 'Dream-a-live' I was kind of scared for this AAA tour quality. Thus I was incredibly happy hearing the news about it being fantastic and well done concert, especially knowing how pressed Arashi has been for time recently. Wish I was there, but reading about it is awesome too. And seeing the pamphlet scans. Yes, first thought was 'preeety, shiny, yay!' but then I looked them over closer and now I still can't stop laughing. Sho=elk, Nino=monkey, Jun=lion, Ohno=flamingo, Aiba=owl (because that makes so much sense, you know, with him having all that wisdom and everything) *dies* I want to marry an Arashi photo-editor. For realz.


Maou. Maou. Maou. Maou. Maou.

...Pure tragedy. This part was beautiful in all the ways it was sad, and even though 'Dad' didn't have a heart attack like I thought he would, his calm acceptance of Manaka Tomoo's identity, the explanation that the stabbing was an accident, was so freakin' heartbreaking--couldn't ask for more.

wringing me dry.

24 hour TV stuff

...I really did love Nino's second task, probably even more than the first, and I'm not even gonna put the blame on the guitar.

I think everyone has heard, yes? XD
Nino wrote a real sweet letter. And I haaad to do HQ screenies.

Ohno's surprise at the announcement.

Sho is also surprised. (Sho's semi-new short haircut. Is beautiful. Short is very very nice for him I think. I'm in love ♥ mmmm)

Nino is also surprised to find himself reading a letter. And cutely nervous ^.^

Arashi is so lovely, really really lovely
(and I cracked up so bad when Aiba was telling Nino-chan to calm down, gosh that was adorable)

Just felt so obligated to post those, because I don't want to forget any of it.

kansha kangeki ame arashi.
adore this song

Anyone besides me seeing a lot of Riida/Aibabe love recently? ^^ Cute <3

and lastly, because a Nino in a helium bubble is endlessly amusing anytime..

levitating. Super awesome ninja skill #2


(this is actually from AnS, I love my matsumiya recently *kisses*)

AnS 100 was made of crack, so much so, I is dead.

Nino wants to sniff Sho's mushroom.

Aiba smackage!!
Really, it wouldn't be nearly as funny if Aiba wasn't totally happy/expecting to be slapped.
(and his comment on the 'strange' shape of those mushrooms was not inaccurate. at all. Somebody had to say it.)

This is what Ohmiya do on their off-days.

okaay, onto the ultra embarrassing impersonations.

Jun for opera? and this is before he even starts. XP

After. Nino is ever so kind.

But then the Neen has to take a turn. At rap.
and this is no 'la tormenta'/'cool and soul'

KyyyaAAA. All forgiven with that weird rap. socute.
fyi, the dog he's hiding behind is named John. Not that it matters.

Ohno also has to do rap.
He and Nino... Have rather different styles.
It's cute.

And the suspected two guys nicely comfort him as he tries to fall into a hole in the ground.
T_T I wanted to see him hide behind the dog w/nino

laughing at Sho I think. Who deserves it because he has the gall to NOT look embarrassed after his turn.

~~I almost posted a ton more caps, but kind of trying to get back to normal slowly here, and I'm having a hard time writing in complete sentences right now X_x ~~

I have memes to post later, yay! (later, as in tomorrow/next day, ^o^)
Oh, and I've been updating the 24 hour upload post, so go grab some parts if you're interested. ^^ here

maou, 24 jikan terebi, shukudai-kun

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