please excuse my idiocy

Sep 18, 2008 22:50

sorry for this sad post after being silent for so long~~

Took a little break this past week(s)(^^;;), and just needed to settle back into the routine of things with simple Arashi TV shows and remember the realities behind my reasons for loving them. Yet again. (and I have indeed re-found my love, for anyone who was wondering ^^)

Thankfully, I haven't been completely unproductive this week. Well, in terms of school and work I might have been unproductive, but that's not the point.

I have a weakness for hot guys, rivalry, basketball, and horribly dramatic plots involving numerous incidents of sudden/chronic illness or accidents (think hospital visit in every. single. episode). Where do I find these things all in one place? Taiwanese drama. Really, I understand the general appeal of everything besides the basketball, but I'm not complaining. My poison? 'Hot Shot' and 'Bull Fighting'. Another Mike He drama? Yes, they're all the same, but surprisingly, I didn't even watch it for Mike this time. Lee Wei, who are you?? Pure love. *bliss*
No stopping it now, these Taiwanese drama flings come and go at their own will.

Is this what Maou ending leads me to?
Withdrawal is a bitch. Nino I neeed you~~~

btw, Maou #11 had me bawling as much as Sukoshi wa, Ongaeshi ga Dekitakana. Highlight for potential spoiler reaction? Even though I basically knew what was going to happen (not the most inventive plot line, really) it was amazing, tragic in all senses, and no warning could have prepared me to hear Ohno's screaming "don't die" over and over again, and Goddammit, I'm getting teary again just thinking about it. Only saw half a spoiler on my friends page ahead of time, which considering how much could have been said, is super, thank you guys. <3

In other news, the stock market makes me want to cry. And I got a part time job, my third library! Yay <3
moving on~

ooOOOOooo. No screen caps today. I suck.
meme 1 (#2 will come eventually, swear)

meme: tagged by resolute-reader (I should have done something like Mocha Frappuccinos, because my chosen topic got heavy somehow ^^;;)
- Replace the bolded word with ONE thing off the top of your head. As in, for both parts.
- Tag 7 people when you're done.

7 THINGS I HATE ABOUT JE (Johnny's Entertainment):
1. As a corporation, it has an unethical amount of control over the media.
2. The structure of debuting that puts pressure to compete on the Juniors.
3. General lack of freedom by JE groups/employees to decide the direction of their music and individual pursuits.
4. In terms of production, it seems like the focus is often on quantity over quality.
5. The 'No (Public?) Dating' rule
6. Over-expensive products that have horribly addictive properties.
7. Lack of international marketing beyond Asia.

7 THINGS I LIKE ABOUT JE: (mind you, I'm not talking about Arashi--that list would be impossible to limit to 7--just JE in general)
1. It produced Arashi.
2. Stability. Groups usually stay together for a long time, conflicts within groups are not often made public.
3. Always something new. The amount of JE boys' appearances on TV, magazines, radio, etc. prevents boredom.
4. Awareness. Guys putting care and effort into their appearances and their performances.
5. Focus on healthy values. Charity involvement, semi-environmental expressed ideals.
6. Stage productions. Glitter and glam.
7. Focus on the fans.
tagging: everyone who wants to do it. (I just can't pick 7 right now, too complicated (><) ~_^

So many new things on my Arashi shelf, I just HAD to take a picture.

*flails* Arashi is Alive, Uchiwas, pamphlet!! *___*


This man... 27 years old? nooo wai!

and my eco bag <333

Nino's head wouldn't fit in the scanner. O_o


life, meme

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