where's the crazy land? memes and ryusei news flail

Sep 21, 2008 22:54

Who's excited for Ryusei no Kizuna!?
drama clips on Asazuba,
Wonderful yanie02 from ryuseinokizuna found this on youtube.

I ripped it, put it in avi format, and cropped it so it would look better. It's much higher quality than most youtube vids, so I thought it was worth it. But I don't want to post to comms or anything, because I don't know if I should be spreading youtube rips. ^^;; And a better version will probably appear on the clubboxes soon.

download: SS
(and if anyone wants a mirror, just say something ^^)

Nino's smile is the biggest. <3

omg, apron. Nino in an apron *__*
it's been too long.

Nino. Cutting food stuffs. Ahhh, this preview is too good to me.

pretty. Yasashii Jikan flashbacks, but I'm just weird like that.

planning circle?

*flailsss soo much*

Been waiting to post these memes ^^

meme 1, tagged by multiple
warning: Not much actual thought put into most of these associations. It did take A LOT of effort to limit to one person one per slot though. To be taken with a side of humor. ;p
1. Next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
2. Answer one question with one name.
3. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.

1. kuro_tenshii18
2. aozora86
3. white_remus
4. no one in particular
5. waku_waku
6. laurachan2
7. jinnyss
8. (I really don't like questions like this)
9. kos_mos26, satoshitomi, nicadj, kirana_jun, eufrastina (breaking the rule, so sue me ^^;;)
10. eufrastina
11. don't know, la
12. lothi_x,
13. beckerbell
14. Nino/Nino. XDD
15. Jun, because he likes it. And Nino, because he doesn't have to try. (I really don't feel comforatble putting down any of my friends for this one, even though I'm sure it'd be good fun.;P)
16. nyonyo
17. chikage_eiji
18. japan_for_dream
19. katzichan
20. satoshitomi
21. tinkchick555
22. me um.
23. ichigo_umai
24. evolardnek
25. taijiproject
26. ...i'm hopeless
27. kirana_jun
28. evolardnek
29. Nino kos_mos26 (not in that way, I'm sure you understand^^)
30. I really wanted to put so many people for a ton of these, XD, even though some of the positions were hard for me to fill, it was fun! Comment if you want the questions~

meme 2, tagged by lovely pharashi ^^
I didn't cheat with this one! (errr, besides with tagging ^^;;)
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next seven sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
6. Tag five other people to do the same.

First built in the year of the Tokyo Olympics, 1964, and run as condominiums, mansion apartments cost upward of 40,000 and average 800 square feet of floor space--not much. I visited one whose well-to-do occupants limited their entertaining to six people at a time for lack of space. Nearly 2 million Japanese families, incidentally, live in housing, mostly suburban apartments, provided at minimal rent by employers as an incentive to stay with the company.
Taken altogether, Japanese housing is--despite the architectural charm of many individual dwellings and the high level (about seven out of eight) of owner occupancy--unacceptably cramped, uncomfortable, and unhealthful because of the primitive sewage systems. Pollution of all kinds is Japan's worst scandal; but housing is certainly second, because of government neglect. The United Nations puts Japan in a class with Barbados and Malta for housing quality. The supposed cure for this disgrace is the danchi, the publicly built apartment house.

(Japan Today, William H. Forbis Copyright 1975)
~~Arrg, that was soo long~~~ Why did it have to be the closest one??
One and All

ryusei no kizuna, meme

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