misc flail, and spending money is WAY too much fun

Sep 28, 2008 01:40

Random/Not so random Upload:
(part of the Ryusei no Kizuna Promotion run)

All star Thanksgiving 08 Fall Super-Gorgeous Quiz Definitive Edition 080927 pt.1 (Nino+Ryo)
35 MB, 4 min, Download: SS // MF
video credit: gachapin
(I re-encoded it to make the size and resolution smaller~)

edit: bigger, better clip collection
[All star Thanksgiving '08] (2008.09.27) Ryusei no Kizuna cast

I downloaded the 3 GB file from D-addicts here, clipped out all the major Ryusei no Kizuna Nino/Ryo/Toda parts that I could find, and this is the product:

Download Sendspace (14 minutes .avi 243mb): here
Download Mediafire (14 minutes .avi 243mb, join with HJ split): .001 | .002 | .003

lalala screenies:
From the Quiz Show thinggie

Nino loves having the focus on him+Arashi. Srsly, this face is pure love.

Which is 'Truth'?

Tricky tricky, putting Kaze no Mukou e in there too.
125 peeps got it right, good enough <3 (~50 got it wrong?)


Ryo's part was longer... Sadly.

The question was 'which is NEWS?', with Kanjani8 and News PVs shown.

Ryo was the fastest to answer. (is he winning money here??? That explains Nino's excitement. XDD)

moving on~

Hanetobi (Haneru no Tabira)
Arashi special.
I really want to show this vid to my Japanese class, seriously, language is awesome.

Of course, Ohno's knowledge of slang(?) is old-fashioned. ^^

Only the most devoted members would sacrifice their leader so readily. ^^


Nino is so nice to Aibabe. Look how he even crumples to the floor with Aiba when he answers wrong~~ Awwww ♥

Put on a happy face! ^o^


Everyone is wincing and grimacing except for the one with the most ice on his face.
Oh-chan's resistance to the cold...
It's not natural.

Himitsu no Arashi-chan #24(?)-latest

Matsujun really likes his guns~ Boys and toys~~

XDDD, Aiba tortured kissed by the nice lady errr.


Yeah, I'm looking forward to next week!


VS Arashi this week was just a preview for the special.
Can't wait for that!

team Ohmiya, for realz.

Ohno's face. Killer.

Picking on the chipmunk much? He loves it.
At first they were refusing to let Sho do anything, saying he would be the MC. (XD) But they gave him stuff to do in the end. ^^

So, it's decided that Aiba and Jun will do pipe-catching, Nino and Ohno will be choice,
Ohno will carry the basket things with Sho as support (Gambatte Ojii-san team! xp)
Nino will cliff climb with Sho and Aiba as support (O_o, risky support combo ne?)
Jun will also cliff climb with Nino and Riida as support.
Coin tower will be Aiba and Sho.

Mosimo Tours (what is this??)

Well, it's good that the let these three eat. <33

On an ending note,
HMV Japan
Play Asia
CD Japan
Please just shoot me now.
anyone wanna click my eggs? (I'm a retard, very sorry ^^;; Blame it on pet withdrawal)

misc show, ryusei no kizuna, himitsu

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