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  • #九百八十八

    karasu_0 Sep 22, 2012 02:19

    I swear I had the biggest scare yesterday morning, but:

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  • #九百八十六

    karasu_0 Sep 17, 2012 22:53

    there isn't really all that much going in RL at the moment. XD Probably the recent highlight has been this:

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    arashi, life, japanese

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  • #985

    karasu_0 Aug 30, 2012 16:00

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    tanjoubi, jun, :3

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  • #九百八十二

    karasu_0 Jul 02, 2012 21:01

    練習〜 練習〜 (苦笑)

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    via ljapp

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  • #981

    karasu_0 Jun 22, 2012 23:16

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    lucky seven, shameless fangirl shopping, jun, :d

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  • #971

    karasu_0 Mar 26, 2012 08:39

    It's about time I ordered that box there,and it's comparison ti~me ( Read more... )

    lucky seven, jun, arashi

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  • #九百七十

    karasu_0 Mar 19, 2012 20:28

    このステキな3ヵ月間ありがとう ♥

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    lucky seven, jun, drama, ;w;

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