...E todo conto começa com um menino. Especificamente um menino de altura mediana, peso médio, sorriso torto e tímido. Ou seja, nada de específico já que ele era um menino mediano também
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We should not lose ourselfs [they say] Yet interact we must. And lie they do. It does not seem to matter how hard I try to connect, how theirs I try to be or the love I want to give And this I do trying to cling to myself; being me, accepting them It is still not enough And one day I'll run out of strength to wonder if one day will it ever be
The look upon her eyes told me how she felt I knew she would never be the same and my world would have to adjust whitout her As we walked side by side, the distance grew between us I reached for her comfort out of the abism of my soul With cold unknowing eyes to me, she refused it As my world adjust without her
And always I'll be with you my heart entangled to yours As my eyes watch you go As you kiss out my last kiss As the truth cames to me And still my heart will always be entangled to yours
A cada dia o ontem parece mais fácil E o amanhã mais assustador E o hoje permanece perdido em tantas preocupações, que daqui a 2 anos não mais me importunarão
Válidas elas até podem ser Mas tão inefáveis Que não valem as rugas e úlceras que por causa delas irei ter