little town of horrors

Jan 02, 2009 21:20

There's this tradition in Romania to decorate a park for the winter holidays and call it "children's little town". A sort of amusement park with Christmas lights and all. This used to be a big thing when I was a kid but it seems like every winter the 'little town' set up by the mayor has become more grotesque. And it's not just me growing up and ( Read more... )

photos, only-in-romania

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Comments 16

naked_runner January 2 2009, 20:05:01 UTC
Frate, da' ce oroare! Credeam ca nu se mai fac orasele ale copiilor. Cel putin, in cartierul unde locuiam in Bucuresti a fost unul inainte de 1989 si l-au desfiintat, pt ca ajunsese o gramada de fieratanii ruginite unde se strangeau boschetarii si beau vodca sau se opreau cate unii si-si faceau nevoile pt ca nu se mai puteau abtine pana sa ajunga acasa la WC-urile proprii.

Toate papusile alea sunt horror, dar papusa cu aripi si scena nativitatii, care nici macar nu e specifica marelui popor credincios, ortodox roman!, sunt cireasa de pe tort. Si pot pune pariu ca pt prostiile alea s-au tocat o gramada de bani. E organizat de primarie?

Oricum, ii deplang pe cei care-si duc copiii acolo. Bietii copii o sa ramana traumatizati pe viata dupa o asa experienta.


lisa_thecat January 2 2009, 20:17:44 UTC
Totul s-a deteriorat din ce in ce mai tare. Nu inteleg de ce se mai deranjeaza sa faca oraselul copiilor daca asta e tot ce pot produce. E grotesc. Sinistru. Ingerasul ala este de groaza. Cred ca e o papusa-manechin donat de vreun magazin pentru haine pentru copii. Aripile alea jalnice sunt inimaginabile. Trebuie sa le vezi ca sa crezi. Toate personajele alea jalnice care nu au nici o treaba acolo, Mos Craciunii spanzurati - efectiv traumatizeaza copii. Si partea cea mai amuzanta - parcul era plin de gardieni. Mult mai multi decat vizitatori. Pazeau frumusetile de acolo, probabil.


dadi January 2 2009, 21:09:59 UTC
e deprimant. saraci copii...


lisa_thecat January 2 2009, 23:16:36 UTC
Nu inteleg de ce mai organizeaza chestia asta cu oraselul copiilor daca nu fac altceva decat sa traumatizeze copiii.


akasha6 January 2 2009, 20:07:36 UTC
What can I're right :( There is not even one cute or beautiful figure there. Ok, maybe the polar bear.The little angel looks so sad and the Santa in the tree is so sick of his job. Poor guy. I really hope a lot of parents are complaining about that and it will be better next year. Because I really like the idea of that park for the children.


lisa_thecat January 2 2009, 20:18:32 UTC
Nothing cute, all sinister. They look worse in the light of the day. I went after dark with purpose.


schwester_grimm January 2 2009, 21:53:30 UTC
Honestly, I wouldn't take a six-year-old there, not even to scare them.


lisa_thecat January 2 2009, 23:15:39 UTC
It's a cruel and unusual punishment for the poor kids!


mutter12 January 2 2009, 22:30:22 UTC
real scary stuff....What is the purpose....Chase kids away?? Sure that it works


lisa_thecat January 2 2009, 23:17:52 UTC
The kids I saw were totally confused, no scared. They couldn't understand what those horrible things were. And why their parents insisted on taking their picture with them.


eldraug January 3 2009, 00:20:19 UTC
That. Is scary. Funny, but in a scary way . . .


lisa_thecat January 3 2009, 13:27:29 UTC
I tried to make it funny, but it's really sad...


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