TVD 3.15 All My Children

Feb 18, 2012 20:16

This time around, I decided to make my rounds first and do a re-watch of the episode before posting.  Part of my reason for doing that was the emotional turmoil I found myself in last week.  I thought this process would allow me to come from a better place.

Click here for the thoughts )

the vampire diaries, damon/stefan, damon/elena, caroline forbes

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Comments 17

badboy_fangirl February 19 2012, 04:29:38 UTC
I don't want Klaus to be too mad at Caroline, but the fact that he was burning all his sketches makes me worried. They are so cute, I need MOAR of them in my life.

As usual, Ian as Damon melts my heart (and all my girly bits, too, for that matter), but the thing that made me most excited about all of this is the idea that Damon has given up (again) but that everything is different for Elena now. Sure she might be angry with him about Bonnie's mom, but I imagine it will be the confrontational angry, not the 'I don't want to see you' angry, and so I'm very excited about where that could lead. I just hate that it's four weeks away. Alas.

Kol and the Strumpet bit was so great, I agree. I hope that's not the last we see of him. He's delightful too. Why are all the OrigSibs so freaking great?

I'm a little confused about the whole drinking human blood idea. Esther seemed to be suggesting that it was her children's choice to do that. Did she not make it a part of her spell? Why would they choose to be dependant on human blood if they ( ... )


linsell_farm February 19 2012, 05:05:01 UTC
Good point about Klaus destroying his artwork. That's certainly something to be concerned about ... I hope something will happen to change those feelings toward her.
ITA that Damon giving up for the moment is a good thing and will lead to better things for them in the future. Hiatuses are so hard to take as is the thought that there's only 8 more episodes left this season :(
I'm right there with you on Team OrigSib :)
Your take on the drinking blood thing makes sense to me. Thanks, bb. Once again you've added to my positive fangirl experience :)

Now it's time for me to get some shut eye ...


x5vale February 19 2012, 12:46:34 UTC
The thing that I enjoyed most was the return of snarky, quick-witted & tongued Damon.
I don't think he has never left. I think it just wasn't like that with Elena.

I think that's exactly the Damon to make her realize she's been taking him for granted and just how much she wants to rely on his never-changing love for her.
As you know I don't care if they end up together, meaning that I want him to be happy so if it won't be Elena I don't really mind, but I agree with you. She needs to realize that she can't take him from granted. Also, it's healthy for Damon too. He needs some time to accept that he has done his best but that he can't just stay there hoping for her to realize she loves him.

I'm so glad the show did not go for the obvious jealousy, rather they had her stay completely in character by having her exhibit her I-was-wrong-and-do-not-know-how-to-act side.Agree here. She called him multiple times and when she tried to push him saying that he had to get over it, she wasn't expecting his reaction and she decide to go to ( ... )


linsell_farm February 20 2012, 00:44:32 UTC
Thanks for commenting, sweetie :D

I understand why Damon feels that way, too. Good point that he did not snap. He's made so much progress in that respect.
Damon does tend to get the best lines pretty much all the time. I just like to throw in some other characters occasionally so they don't feel left out ;)


x5vale February 20 2012, 08:15:50 UTC
What Damon nees to understand now is that he is worthy. It doesn't mind if it won't be Elena, he must learn to respect himself and stop thinking that the world is right again when everything is in place but he still suffers.

I agree with you about the lines :)


linsell_farm February 20 2012, 21:15:59 UTC
Exactly about Damon and so eloquently put, sweetie!
He needs to stop with his premise that his suffering is acceptable and just the way it is.


arabian February 20 2012, 20:36:04 UTC
The thing that I enjoyed most was the return of snarky, quick-witted & tongued Damon.

Well, see, I don't know that it was so much a return, it was just that we saw, well, no, it wasn't a return. Last week, there wasn't much of that from Damon, but that was due to what was happening in the episode. The week before had Damon in full-on snarky, quick-witted/tongued glory at the dinner party.

As much as I love his emotional, tender, soft-hearted side

I really do believe that we've gotten both sides, I honestly can't recall when we've ever lost the snark. Heck, he's even been that way with Elena. We just didn't get the soft, mushy side WITH Elena this time.

felt good to have him take a step back, become just detached enough and have him be able to give Elena what for. I think that's exactly the Damon to make her realize she's been taking him for granted and just how much she wants to rely on his never-changing love for her. That will lead her to finally see how much she actually loves him.This I do agree with 100%. I've been ( ... )


linsell_farm February 20 2012, 21:08:16 UTC
Okay, so you & Val have both made me see that I didn't express myself correctly regarding Damon's snarkiness & wit. What I meant was, it was great to see him using them with/at Elena. You are right that there is no return as those traits never did disappear ( ... )


arabian February 21 2012, 02:20:01 UTC
What I meant was, it was great to see him using them with/at Elena. You are right that there is no return as those traits never did disappear.

But I still maintain that he has been snarky/witty with her. The only difference in this as opposed to before is that, well, frankly, he was kind of mean to her what with the "it's over" on the phone, and then his mocking attitude when she showed up.

Perhaps Esther might have had an inkling that bloodlust might occur since part of the spell was feeding them Tatia's blood?

I don't think Esther had the inkling, I think it's just that she found out about it when they started having the bloodlust.

I guess Meredith could be vampire and doing a really good human impression, because they don't want to reveal that yet.

Hmm, it never crossed my mind that she's a vampire, I'm pretty sure that vampires can identify other vampires, so Damon would know, right?

PS - I've started re-watching season 3 for research into my Elena meta. It'll be interesting to see where my view of her ends up, since I'm ( ... )


linsell_farm February 21 2012, 02:43:11 UTC
So, I am totally out to lunch on my Damon observations (which is really quite pathetic given how much I'm obsessed with him). Obviously I have had major blinders on to have totally missed that his snark and wit have been present with everyone. I am certainly seeing this now in my re-watch. I must stop taking so many drugs, as they are clearly affecting my brain.

I thought vampires couldn't tell others of their kind (based on Damon's "We don't all hang out at the Vamp Bar & Grill" in Atlanta).
I don't think Meredith is a werewolf, since she's a Fell. Maybe they're going to introduce another supernatural entity...

I look forward to your video. Sorry that I couldn't think of any appropriate music for you.
Can't wait for your Bonnie piece as well.


(The comment has been removed)

linsell_farm February 28 2012, 13:37:25 UTC
Thanks for visiting! It's great to see you here :D

Good point that it's not just Bonnie who suffers. It makes sense to me that Caroline has that perspective, though, since she'd be hearing all about it from Bonnie, and wouldn't necessarily stop to consider the times she's been hurt through others. I think her first instincts would be to stand up for the friend that needed her in that instance.

I like your take on Esther very much. She took a big chance casting that spell, and now does not want to acknowledge any responsibility for what they've become.

There are so many interesting and complex facets to this show. That's part of why I love it so bloody much <3


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