TVD 3.15 All My Children

Feb 18, 2012 20:16

This time around, I decided to make my rounds first and do a re-watch of the episode before posting.  Part of my reason for doing that was the emotional turmoil I found myself in last week.  I thought this process would allow me to come from a better place.

Click here for the thoughts )

the vampire diaries, damon/stefan, damon/elena, caroline forbes

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arabian February 21 2012, 02:20:01 UTC
What I meant was, it was great to see him using them with/at Elena. You are right that there is no return as those traits never did disappear.

But I still maintain that he has been snarky/witty with her. The only difference in this as opposed to before is that, well, frankly, he was kind of mean to her what with the "it's over" on the phone, and then his mocking attitude when she showed up.

Perhaps Esther might have had an inkling that bloodlust might occur since part of the spell was feeding them Tatia's blood?

I don't think Esther had the inkling, I think it's just that she found out about it when they started having the bloodlust.

I guess Meredith could be vampire and doing a really good human impression, because they don't want to reveal that yet.

Hmm, it never crossed my mind that she's a vampire, I'm pretty sure that vampires can identify other vampires, so Damon would know, right?

PS - I've started re-watching season 3 for research into my Elena meta. It'll be interesting to see where my view of her ends up, since I'm seeing her through different eyes now ...

I look forward to reading it. :)


linsell_farm February 21 2012, 02:43:11 UTC
So, I am totally out to lunch on my Damon observations (which is really quite pathetic given how much I'm obsessed with him). Obviously I have had major blinders on to have totally missed that his snark and wit have been present with everyone. I am certainly seeing this now in my re-watch. I must stop taking so many drugs, as they are clearly affecting my brain.

I thought vampires couldn't tell others of their kind (based on Damon's "We don't all hang out at the Vamp Bar & Grill" in Atlanta).
I don't think Meredith is a werewolf, since she's a Fell. Maybe they're going to introduce another supernatural entity...

I look forward to your video. Sorry that I couldn't think of any appropriate music for you.
Can't wait for your Bonnie piece as well.


arabian February 21 2012, 03:19:37 UTC
I thought vampires couldn't tell others of their kind (based on Damon's "We don't all hang out at the Vamp Bar & Grill" in Atlanta).

I read that as Elena thinking that there were actual vampire bars where vamps got together and hung out, and Damon was all, uhm, no. But I haven't watched "Bloodlines" in a while. You could be right.

Maybe they're going to introduce another supernatural entity...

Well, they did plan on having Kelly Donovan be a succubus but that got dropped due to time, and then unavailability of the actress.

I look forward to your video. Sorry that I couldn't think of any appropriate music for you.

It's okay, I just need to find a good song! And I'll try and get to the Bonnie piece later this week. :)



linsell_farm February 21 2012, 03:30:09 UTC
I also recall Stefan replying "It doesn't work like that." to Elena at the 50's dance in S1. She had asked shouldn't they be able to identify the mystery vamp (or something to that effect.

So that's what that deleted scene with Kelly Donovan was! Thanks for shedding some light on that.

Um, what does GCIC CHECKED mean?


arabian February 21 2012, 04:16:59 UTC
Ah, okay, so they can't tell with other vampires.

Yup, that was what Kelly was going to be.

I'm so sorry, that was at work, and I was marking that something was verified, LOL! I accidentally c/ped onto your post. Oops.


linsell_farm February 21 2012, 11:53:41 UTC
Except that in 3.15 we learned that vampires can hear heartbeats, so shouldn't that give them a pretty good way to identify other vampires (since there would be no heartbeat)?? Hmmmm

LOL - glad to know it wasn't my stupidity showing through ;)


arabian February 21 2012, 16:00:55 UTC
Vampires have heartbeats. I suspected that from 1.22 -- Damon not knowing that Katherine was Elena (and other episodes that followed with Stefan/Katherine, Damon/Katherine), but Katherine confirmed it in 2.11 when she was telling Stefan about dessication, she included the fact that your heartbeat starts to slow down.


linsell_farm February 21 2012, 18:14:12 UTC
Right! I'm so glad I have you as such a good reference :) That makes total sense, given that Kat has effectively impersonated Elena on several occasions (which would have been totally impossible is she had no heartbeat).


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