Hallowe'en in Mystic Falls

Oct 27, 2011 22:57

Tonight's episode certainly had a Hallowe'en feel to it what with all the ghosts' floating about. Mind you, it could be said that every day is Hallowe'en in a town where supernatural entities abound ;)

Herein lie spoilers for TVD 3x07 Ghost World )

lexi, pearl, jeremy gilbert, alaric saltzman, anna, elena gilbert, caroline forbes, the vampire diaries, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore

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Comments 9

crowandfog October 28 2011, 04:19:32 UTC
Another thing I'm not really clear on is whether it's really possible for Stefan to overcome Klaus' compulsion through sheer force of will. I thought that an Original's compulsion would be super-strong and therefore unbreakable.

This is really a problem for me. When Originals are strong enough to even compel other vampires, I just don't believe that their compulsion can be broken. Regardless, we have NEVER seen compulsion UNDONE. It either takes or it doesn't take, but it's never been canceled or broken without someone dying. So I can't help but feel like Elena is being unreasonable here.

While I don't think he was treating Bonnie very well, I can totally sympathize as I know all too well the loss of a lover suddenly and without warning.For me, I lost my best friend suddenly when I was a teenager, so I can see where Jeremy is coming from. It's been 6 years, and this episode still had me crying. It's hard for me to make close friends, and, besides my mother, she was the most important person in my life for years ( ... )


linsell_farm October 28 2011, 10:52:42 UTC
When Originals are strong enough to even compel other vampires, I just don't believe that their compulsion can be broken.

ITA. I don't like that Elena is up against insurmountable odds. It's one thing when there's some hope of success but this feels to me like there is no hope. :(

I'm sorry for your loss. I was crying, as well, at the end of the episode. It got rather powerful in the last 15 minutes or so.

I just watched the US previews that were posted in Bloodstream. CTV2 didn't air them in Canada. :( I'm glad that Elijah is coming back! :)


crowandfog October 28 2011, 20:31:17 UTC
I don't really want the other Stefan back, so I don't mind if there's no hope. I just find it odd that Elena is even expecting/believing that compulsion can be overcome. I just really don't believe that she has any valid reason to believe that such a thing is possible. I know that she's thinking of Bill Forbes, but that was a very different situation.

I'm sorry for your loss as well.


arabian October 28 2011, 06:09:39 UTC
Yeah, I love Grams so.

Stefan. I didn't really understand how she was speeding up the detox timeline by getting into Stefan's head, but she wasn't going to stop until Stefan felt something.

She was putting the feel of in him by putting the hallucinations in his head. Like how Damon created the dream world for Rose, and Katherine put the make-out session in Stefan's head.

The Jeremy/Anna stuff bothered me because he was cheating on Bonnie. That bugged.

Sorry about your loss still. :(


linsell_farm October 28 2011, 10:54:51 UTC
I thought of you, when I saw Grams. I remembered how much you love her.

Thanks for the explanation of Lexi's technique. That makes sense to me.

Thanks for the support, Jenn.


brokenbell October 28 2011, 14:55:54 UTC
I'm sorry about your loss. I thought the kiss between Jeremy and Anna was sweet as well. Anna's death came out of nowhere, and it went unaddressed during Season 2, so I'm glad that the show is finally letting him deal with those feelings. They needed closure. The fact that Jeremy was unfaithful with, essentially, a memory of his lost loved one, made the fact that he was still with Bonnie less bothersome for me.

I enjoyed Mason & Damon bonding even if it took me awhile to believe it.

I had trouble believing it too. And the fact that Mason wasn't leading Damon into a trap was, I think, the biggest TVD plot-twist of all time! I kept on waiting for Mason to somehow start bricking Damon in the tunnel "Cask of Amontillado" style. The snark between these two is great. Plus, Mason brought about the Damon/Alaric reunion, so I'm quite grateful to him for that as well.

Those etchings on the wall under the Lockwood property looked a lot like Klaus' Mayan scroll.Yep, I thought so too. Which makes me somewhat suspicious about the ( ... )


linsell_farm October 29 2011, 01:47:42 UTC
Thank you.

I agree that Jeremy and Anna needed closure. I like the way you stated that he "was unfaithful with, essentially, a memory." That made it easier for me to be okay with, as well.

Yes, Mason definitely gets points from me for being the catalyst Damon & Alaric starting to speak to each other again!!


badboy_fangirl October 28 2011, 21:35:57 UTC

... )


linsell_farm October 29 2011, 02:00:19 UTC
Thanks very much, bb. You always seem to know what to say to ease my pain.

That makes sense about the Mikael plan from Damon's perspective. It was not so nice of the show to leave us all hanging about Kat's well-being.

It worked for me, as well, it's just that I suspicious of Mason's motives, although that was totally unjustified as it turns out.

Nooooooo!! Not that soon. :( Although in Season 1 the hiatus was after episode 10, and in season 2 it was after episode 9, so I guess it's not all that soon. It must due in part to the fact that I'm enjoying this season moreso than last.


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