Pet peave: Cameras/camera junkies/camera lingo. They almost have more words for camera specifications than we have for computers.
The really annoying part? Most of them are acronyms that mean completely different things in the context of computers. Which is fine, until they appear RIGHT NEXT TO their computer acronym counterpart.
i saw the following [it was actually a programming joke on a site that should really be titled ""] and it inspired a bit of intermonologue that i felt was worth writing down
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Web hiatus for a bit, while I do some soul-searching. Or rather, I've done some soul-finding, and surfing the intertubes isn't where I'd like to be right now. Or ever.
Sometimes, when I think it might be quiet enough outside, when it's one of those days where the world feels less bustling than usual, I just want to scream as loud and as long as I can, and see if anyone can here me.
my intermonologue keeps me pretty well entertained, most of the time.
study for finals - physics cheat sheet - study phsyics (try reading the book?) - te150 review (2 hours) - cse cheatsheet/review (3 hours. preferably to be done before the exam.) - calc 3: feel asshole after today's test; if in a good shape, 2 hour review. adjust accordingly.