Overheard in Hindi movies.

Mar 19, 2009 00:30

I've been watching a lot of subtitled Hindi films recently (yes, all Bollywood, yes, I'm somewhat embarrassed, no, I'm not letting that stop me), so I'm starting to separate out some words that get used often, especially ones that get used with emphasis and at least sometimes by themselves. I'm getting some subject and possessive pronouns, and ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

talinthas March 19 2009, 05:40:38 UTC
bhas basically means what you said- stop, enough, we're good, relax, etc. Obviously, context means a lot. If you're pouring salt into the food we're cooking, i'll say bhas when you've put in enough. I'll also say bhas when you're haranguing me for not having folded the laundry for the fifth day in a row and i'm tired of listening to you can't you understand i'm stressed woman, and so forth =)

And the second word, sirf, means 'only'. Sirf ek hain- there's only one. that sort of thing.


callunav March 19 2009, 05:46:49 UTC
Thank you - this helps a lot. So it is 'sirf' and I'm just mis-hearing it.


talinthas March 19 2009, 07:35:48 UTC
oh, and it's bas, not bhas. i should have thought about it before just copy/pasting =)


callunav March 19 2009, 11:18:13 UTC
Misread my chart. Thanks again. Considering that 24 hours before that I didn't know that the two would use different letters, I'm making progress at least.


rfk March 19 2009, 05:42:42 UTC
It's not rude to say bas at all. You can say it to mean enough when someone's pouring or giving you something.


callunav March 19 2009, 05:47:37 UTC
Ah! I thought it might be the melodrama of the context affecting my perceptions. Thank you for the clarification.


gordond March 19 2009, 09:50:49 UTC
Any chance you saw it in Khabi Kuchi Khabie Gham?


callunav March 19 2009, 11:20:45 UTC

That was where I saw it first. Makes quite an impression, no?

But in Kal Ho Naa Ho, Naina uses it to her mother and grandmother, and it seems like almost every movie has someone using it somewhere to shut someone up.

But yes, I suspect it was K3G which helped me form such a strong impression of it.


muckefuck March 19 2009, 14:21:04 UTC
बस represents bas, not bhas, which would be written भस and means "ashes". (Usually written भस्म bhasma.)


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