Interesting/weird Arabic/Farsi quotes...+ music

Feb 22, 2009 17:45

I'm looking for thought provoking, trippy, bizarre, ancient, or in any kind of way interesting Arabic or Persian quotes (or even just words) to etch into a poster of an elaborately decorated "middle eastern" looking woman, the point of which will be to make people ask "...but what does the writing mean?" and subsequently encourage them to ( Read more... )

hindi, farsi, arabic

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Comments 20

wiped February 23 2009, 03:59:47 UTC


muckefuck February 23 2009, 05:10:12 UTC


a_xolotl February 23 2009, 06:45:57 UTC to explain what about this post is so objectionable?


muckefuck February 23 2009, 15:11:15 UTC
It would take a book. This one, for instance.


dya_nick February 25 2009, 01:46:49 UTC
I seriously think you guys need to get off the cross you've nailed yourselves to and relax a little. Yes, you may disagree with the reasoning behind why someone wants something (be it a tattoo, quote or anything else), and I have no problem with that. The only problem I see, and it is always you two doing it, is that you jump down peoples' throats every single time you disagree with anything they've said, and then you get condescending about anything they've attempted (in this case, the spelling of shukranHow about you all just state your objection in a less-confrontational manner "I think that maybe you should have phrased this as ____ rather than how you did here." Or even better, shut up and read the community rules. They say that all of the tattoo and translation posts are allowed and also state that if you are not interested in them to just scroll past. It is people like you who run anybody off from this community because after you slaughter them, they do not want to ask anything else ( ... )


dya_nick February 25 2009, 02:39:57 UTC
To post something productive: I'm not sure exactly the types of quotes you're looking for, but here are some ideas of where to start.

I hope you find something useful for the poster idea you have. Will you be posting a picture of the finished work online? I'd love to see it.

Good luck!


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