Title: Sketches for "Fencing", day 4
by Eve Le Dez (
Characters: The usual suspects...
Rating: G for the whole series
Disclaimer: No harm meant, no money made. My muses come and go as they like - they just kindly allow me to draw them from time to time. ;) Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.
Sketches behind the cut. )
Comments 13
Revisiting these drawings is interesting for me as well, because it makes me realise things about my way of working that usually get tuned out while I'm busy drawing... So at least I am able to figure out afterwards what went on during the process, and I can answer questions more easily when people want to know how something works. *g*
Strangely enough, although the knowledge behind it is the same, sometimes it takes many many tries, and on other days it just happens in one go - but you can rarely tell which pictures were difficult from the final result. (Me, on the other hand, I'm always assaulted by memories of what was difficult and what went wrong whenever I look at old pictures.) ;)
That would really help me learn from my mistakes - here, I'm just as clueless as before, but now I have a pretty to share. *g*
Finished painting is up now! :)
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Actually, I think you'd enjoy the sight of men clad in breeches and stockings like that. Just ask the Navy fangirls around here...
Painting is different, and to take that apart will probably be another five-day run. Just keep an eye on this LJ, then you shouldn't miss anything. :)
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The clean lines are something I've always loved. All the more so since I've discovered those pigment ink pens that make very fine lines (0.5 and 0.1 mm). And since they're waterproof, there's nothing better to use when you're planning to colour with watercolour paint. :)
As for the anatomical details you pointed out ~ yes, they're very fine indeed, and I'm glad they find your approval. ;) How could I resist, when I have breeches and stockings to work with? *^________^*
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