In the Middle (Arthur/Merlin/Lancelot, shades of OT5, PG-13, 150 words)

Dec 06, 2009 10:55

It’s not that Merlin hates being in the middle. Arthur’s bed is big enough for three grown men, especially if one is as skinny as Merlin. It’s just that the king and the first knight always gravitate to the middle, effectively quashing him.

Lancelot would tuck his head into Merlin’s neck, one of his legs trapping Merlin’s. The man is so selfless that Merlin doesn’t have the heart to shove him off, even if his flyaway hair tickles.

Arthur would toss and turn, kicking the blanket off no matter how cool the night air is. Then, lying on top of the covers, he would turn on his side and half-lie across Merlin.

Some nights, Merlin would gently extricate himself and slip quietly next door. Gwen always scoots over to make space for him in Morgana’s bed. Most nights, however, he would lie overheated under his lovers’ embrace, awake and content.

ETA 5/25/10: The Russian translation by nataliny1 is here.

A/N: Cut it down to 150 words. Go me!

In my fanon, Gwen and Morgana keep an extra nightgown* for the nights when Merlin drop by. It's important that they match~ after all.
Also, Santiago Lancelot grows his luscious locks out thanks to Merlin's Pout of Magnitude. The HEA end.

* Part 1 starts here

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drabbles, fanfic rec, [merlin]

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