Room 313 [midafternoon]

May 14, 2006 17:57

Greg quietly sat in room 313, his chemistry set before him, reflecting on the events of the past few days.

zomg linkdroppy and fun with chemistry under here )

bridge, alanna, linkdrop, chem geekiness, tyler, bel, zack, peter, parker, 313, alec, isabel, dawn

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After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 02:33:17 UTC
"Hey, Greg," Peter said, walking in. He took a look at the chem stuff sitting out and came up with a hypothesis. "Running experiments?"


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 02:34:35 UTC
"I was. But then Dawn totally burst my bubble. Did you know demons are real?" Greg said slightly sadly.


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 02:40:47 UTC
"Yep. And vampires. And mutants. But possibly none of these are in the world you're from," Peter said. "Multi-dimensionalism is wacky that way."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 02:45:12 UTC
"So I'm learning," Greg said, capping the potassium ferricyanide. "A demon guy teleported and lit his hand on fire or something the other night. Apparently it wasn't a trick. Fun stuff."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 02:47:10 UTC
"Okay, I think I have to tell you something now," Peter said. "You're going to find it out eventually anyway, so it's a good idea to get it out of the way early."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 02:48:02 UTC
"...are you a pod person?"


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 02:54:09 UTC
"Nope. But I do have powers, kind of like a lot of people here," Peter said. "I'm not a demon or anything, though. I'm technically classified as an Accidental Illegal Genetic Mutation."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 02:58:49 UTC
Greg blinked. "Cool," he said slowly. "How so?"


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 03:02:20 UTC
"There was a lab accident on a field trip," Peter said. "Because of that, I'm really strong, fast, agile, and I can stick to walls. Back home, I'm a superhero."

"And strangely enough, I've fought a guy who can generate and throw fireballs. Not here, though. And he wasn't a demon, even though he looked like one at the time."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 03:06:32 UTC
"Okay, wait. You stick to walls?" Greg asked, staring. "And you're a superhero? Do you wear tights? Is there a cape?"


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 03:09:55 UTC
"Walls, yes. Superhero, yes. Tights, yes. Cape, no," Peter said. "Nobody back home wears a cape. They're not good in a fight."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 03:14:31 UTC
"How does the wall thing work? And what's your superhero name?" Greg asked, tilting his head.


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 03:22:04 UTC
"My hands and feet just kind of stick to stuff when I concentrate. For example..." Peter jumped up and clung to the ceiling by his fingers. He then pulled himself up so that he was essentially squatting upside down. From jump to rest, this took about a second. His hair and button-down shirt hung down freely.

"As for my superhero name, I don't give that out, just in case. If I can't keep the fact that I have powers a secret, that's about the only way I can protect my secret identity here."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 03:30:34 UTC
Greg stared up at the ceiling. "Okay, understandable about the name thing, dude," he said, tipping his head all the way back. "What the hell happened, though? I don't know of any mutation that can make this happen."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 peter__parker May 15 2006, 03:35:21 UTC
"My world is on a superscience kick," Peter said. "A corporation run by a nutty nut was trying to come up with a supersoldier serum for the government, an animal test subject bit me, things went wacky."

"You think this is weird, you should hear about the guy who turns into a giant green thing when he gets mad, or the guy who built himself suit of armor that lets him fly and shoot lasers."


Re: After Dawn leaves: Peter returns to 313 like_a_sponge May 15 2006, 03:44:01 UTC
"...the bite of a test subject altered your DNA?" Greg said skeptically. "That's...different from everything I've ever heard. But considering that a week ago I was firmly of the belief that aliens, psychics, demons, mutants and genetic supersoldiers didn't exist, I'm not surprised."

He ran a hand through his hair as a thought occurred. "When are you from, anyway?"


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