FanLib Fandom Fakery

Sep 10, 2007 19:20

Fandoms at FanLib are listed in order of "popularity," meaning fandoms represented by the most fanfiction appear first.

Browsing the fandoms this morning, I noticed something very interesting has happened.

As recently as July, only the first and second pages of fandoms (between 75 and 150 fandoms) had stories. There were about two thousand ( Read more... )

fanlib: story stats, fanlib: dotbombing

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Comments 27

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stewardess September 11 2007, 03:30:30 UTC
They must have a lot of time on their hands. :D


elfwreck September 11 2007, 03:21:28 UTC
Is there any way to know how many *fics* are on the site, rather than adding up how many stories are tagged in each category? IIRC, avoids this problem by not allowing crossover listings.

Generic weirdness: I just logged in, and it looks like my account there may have been hacked. My list of stories I've rated includes several rated on June 05 (I don't think I was there), and gave 3-4 stars to stories in several fandoms I'm completely unfamiliar with. Including a haiku.

I fixed the ratings (which mostly means I dropped them by two stars each); I'm not sure I'll do anything else.

I've been considering commenting on fics, but since finding out that they allow authors to remove comments they don't like, it's probably not worth it.


stewardess September 11 2007, 03:32:16 UTC
I wondered that myself: how are they counting the "number" of fics? Does listing a story in multiple fandoms artificially bump up the total? It would if they are adding up the total number of fics for each fandom. I'm not sure how to find out.


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jedinic September 11 2007, 06:56:38 UTC
Let us know what you find out!


quicksilvereyes September 11 2007, 06:03:02 UTC
That is so low. Just when you think they can't sink any further... They need to just give up. Also, the other day and just now, I went over there to delete my account, but I couldn't figure out how to do that. It seems like you can't delete them, just abandon them. O.o


stewardess September 11 2007, 07:19:47 UTC
You know what is weird? I am sure I deleted my account, but it's there! WTF?


msilverstar September 11 2007, 16:02:15 UTC
Oh that's interesting. Didn't they clarify their TOS about that?


stewardess September 11 2007, 16:19:41 UTC
I will try removing it today.


becky_black September 11 2007, 07:29:10 UTC
To pad fandom representation, FanLib volunteers or employees apparently have examined each story and re-categorized it in as many fandoms as possible.
My god, I hope they got paid a lot of money for that! Imagine, those fics that you would instantly back button they had to check in detail.

This is lower than a snake's belly.


stewardess September 11 2007, 16:21:01 UTC
It may have been done by volunteers, sadly, who were paid nothing. Heck, there even could have been a plea to the authors to do it, some balderdash about "improve your search results!"


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