Sky=Totally Blue

Jun 08, 2005 09:26

Why does Dean always catch shit for stating the obvious?
Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans are "a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It's ( Read more... )

democrats:howard dean

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Comments 15

hail_atlantis June 8 2005, 15:03:07 UTC
I'm not always crazy about Howard Dean. Other times I like him. But I LOVE this:

You're not going to see any 18-state strategies. We're going to be in places like Mississippi and Kansas and Idaho.



luna_k June 8 2005, 15:15:38 UTC
I love that. It's like the Democratic Party has given up on any state that isn't Massachusettes or California. There's blue votes in every state no matter how much of a red reputation it gets. Some of the most liberal cities in the country are in red states - take Atlanta or Ashville North Carolina! And even some states you could write off as hopeless have Democrat governors, Congressman, or Senators. Like the Democrat Senator in Nebraska or the Democrat Governor in Kansas.

All is not lost!


hail_atlantis June 8 2005, 15:37:33 UTC
Exactly. I live in Georgia, and no, it's not the most flaming blue state in the world, but I see my fair share of Kerry bumper stickers nonetheless.


fairy_tale_echo June 8 2005, 15:09:12 UTC
STFU, Bill Richardson, I swear to GOD ( ... )


luna_k June 8 2005, 15:23:33 UTC
STFU, Bill Richardson, I swear to GOD. He's only, like, the worst governor of EVER.

Ha! Okay, so it ain't just me. Everytime that guy gets on TV I feel a little bit more hopeless about the world. He strikes me as very good ol' boy, like the kind of corrupt Democrats who used to be running things in the late 80's when they still had the majority. More like Mayor Quimby than Ted Kennedy, who the character is obviously based on.

And in other news, I love this blog so much and I loves me some Howard Dean too! :D

Awww, thanks sweetie! And dude, Howard is my hero. He's the first guy that got me excited about the political process since after Clinton left. *woe*

Fuck that asshole, I'm never going back to that site, telling me I can be offended if I like.Seriously, fuck Kos & the self-satisfied frat boys running that site. I haven't written the site off alltogether, because some good diarists are still hanging out until the next "last straw" breaks, but I've lost all faith in the main posters. He just keeps digging himself in deeper and ( ... )


fairy_tale_echo June 8 2005, 17:34:28 UTC
HAHAHA! Yes, that's exactly what Bill Richardson is like - Mayor Quimby. Remember the Monorail episode? I paraphrase:

Quimby: We're having this town meeting to decide what to do with the two million dollars Mr. Burns paid us.
Lisa: Don't you mean three million dollars?
Quimby: Uh, yes!

Seriously, the most hardcore Democrats I know in this state (represent!) hate the guy. He is ALL about giving out contracts to people who supported him, slapping backs, and smugly/coyly dancing around, "I don't want to be President. Wherever would you get that idea??"

I'm really interested to see what happens when he goes up for re-election. Remember, our last governor was Gary Johnson, who was a Republican and also the highest ranking official to come out in support of legalizing drugs. (Here's a link to his infamous 2000 speech on legalization) We went blue in 2000 - a little dot of blue in a sea of red. We barely went red in 2004 (they campaigned hard for our state.) So, we're a little schizophrenic as a state and ... I wanna see what ( ... )


hockeygoon08 June 8 2005, 15:21:03 UTC
Dean doesn't care what these twits have to say. I think it's funny, and even funnier is that the democrats that are coming out against Dean all have a personal stake in 2008, well most anyways. I can't remember who said it, but someone said "Howard Dean doesn't speak for me or the part"..ok then why make Dean the head of the DNC if you don't want him talking. Gimme a break, Dean says what other Dem's think but are to affraid to say.

I for one love the fact Dean is playing by the Republicans game. You know they've got to be squirming.

Hopefully that made sence, I haven't even had a full cup of coffee yet.


luna_k June 8 2005, 15:27:00 UTC
I can't remember who said it, but someone said "Howard Dean doesn't speak for me or the part"..ok then why make Dean the head of the DNC if you don't want him talking.

I know, right? The thing that kills me, all the other candidates in the running for DNC Chair were so wussy & flip-floppy, and everyone was saying "We need someone who's willing to speak out, to address these wrongdoings in the country". And now that we've got someone who's doing JUST THAT, people still gotta fucking complain. Make up your damn minds.

Gimme a break, Dean says what other Dem's think but are to affraid to say.

That's it exactly. And we need this kind of full disclosure in a world where Bush et all keep trying to pull the wool over our eyes or distract us.


hockeygoon08 June 8 2005, 15:47:16 UTC
It was Biden that said this, I was able to go back through and find it. It's from a Yahoo Article.

Dean "doesn't speak for me with that kind of rhetoric and I don't think he speaks for the majority of Democrats," Biden, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

Dean is exactly what the DNC and the Democratic Party needs. Not some wishy washy mouth who's going to cave, everytime the republicans speak nasty about the Dem's.

I think that if Dean keeps this up, and has a strong run as the DNC chair, he's going to be hard to beat come time for the Democratic Nomination in 2008.


easilyirritable June 8 2005, 16:41:08 UTC
The thing that kills me, all the other candidates in the running for DNC Chair were so wussy & flip-floppy, and everyone was saying "We need someone who's willing to speak out, to address these wrongdoings in the country". And now that we've got someone who's doing JUST THAT, people still gotta fucking complain. Make up your damn minds.That's so fucking true it pisses me off. Guys like Biden and Lieberman, etc., sit there and talk about how we need to be more centrist, which to me says that they are focused on getting people who are already voting over to their side, instead of doing what they SHOULD be, which is getting people who are so disillusioned and disgusted with the system back into the fold ( ... )


knowledgequeen June 8 2005, 15:26:51 UTC
Just a big old WORD to pretty much everyone who's posted so far. Dean has moments of insanity but on the whole, I agree with damn near everything he says.

I wonder how many Mayor Quimbys there are in the States as a whole. *repeats icon's mantra*


luna_k June 8 2005, 15:31:57 UTC
Dean has moments of insanity but on the whole, I agree with damn near everything he says.

*nods* Yeah sometimes he'll come out with something & I just go, "Eh?" but 95% of the time I'm right on the same page. Half the time I listen to him speak and it's like "OMG get out of my brain howard!!!"

I wonder how many Mayor Quimbys there are in the States as a whole.

Heheheheh. More than I'd like, that's for sure. I also wonder how many of those corrupt, bribe-taking Congressmen from "Lisa Goes to Washington" there are in this country. *wibbles*


ladyoneill June 8 2005, 15:42:06 UTC
While there are some states that are just never going to go blue for president (and can I state for the record that I despise the electoral system? Thanks for making my vote for top office never matter.) like Kansas, there are some that used to be blue just a couple elections ago and now aren't, so they could switch back. We used to have the south! Jimmy Carter! Southerner! What the fuck happened? Yeah, I know, the religious nutjobs took over.

But Missouri was always blue--the only good thing about it, heh--and they went red last time. We can win that state back.

Go Dean!


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