Sky=Totally Blue

Jun 08, 2005 09:26

Why does Dean always catch shit for stating the obvious?
Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans are "a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It's ( Read more... )

democrats:howard dean

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fairy_tale_echo June 8 2005, 15:09:12 UTC
STFU, Bill Richardson, I swear to GOD.

He's only, like, the worst governor of EVER. No, seriously. I have never seen someone who fucking loves the old-boy crony system as much as this guy. The only thing he loves more, I think, is himself. He appointed a former local newscaster as the Secretary of Labor. Yeah. One of my friends is a lawyer in the labor department and guess what, the guy is an idiot. Richardson is the kind of playing the political game, so he probably doesn't want to offend the, you know, 48-49% of New Mexicans who are Republican. (THEY HAVE A MANDATE, DON'T YOU KNOW??!?!) It's all about greasing palms and favors for Richardson, so he should STFU, seriously. And since I voted for him, I get to say! ;) Uh, ok, /bitter rant!

And in other news, I love this blog so much and I loves me some Howard Dean too! :D

(and I loved the post about Kos and feminism. Fuck that asshole, I'm never going back to that site, telling me I can be offended if I like. THANKS FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF LETTING ME KNOW WHAT I CAN GET OFFENDED BY, JERKHOLE.)


luna_k June 8 2005, 15:23:33 UTC
STFU, Bill Richardson, I swear to GOD. He's only, like, the worst governor of EVER.

Ha! Okay, so it ain't just me. Everytime that guy gets on TV I feel a little bit more hopeless about the world. He strikes me as very good ol' boy, like the kind of corrupt Democrats who used to be running things in the late 80's when they still had the majority. More like Mayor Quimby than Ted Kennedy, who the character is obviously based on.

And in other news, I love this blog so much and I loves me some Howard Dean too! :D

Awww, thanks sweetie! And dude, Howard is my hero. He's the first guy that got me excited about the political process since after Clinton left. *woe*

Fuck that asshole, I'm never going back to that site, telling me I can be offended if I like.

Seriously, fuck Kos & the self-satisfied frat boys running that site. I haven't written the site off alltogether, because some good diarists are still hanging out until the next "last straw" breaks, but I've lost all faith in the main posters. He just keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper with every new comment on it, like he has NO FUCKING CLUE AT ALL. He should do himself a favor and stop posting for a week, take a class from the "sanctimonious women's studies set" and get some re-education.


fairy_tale_echo June 8 2005, 17:34:28 UTC
HAHAHA! Yes, that's exactly what Bill Richardson is like - Mayor Quimby. Remember the Monorail episode? I paraphrase:

Quimby: We're having this town meeting to decide what to do with the two million dollars Mr. Burns paid us.
Lisa: Don't you mean three million dollars?
Quimby: Uh, yes!

Seriously, the most hardcore Democrats I know in this state (represent!) hate the guy. He is ALL about giving out contracts to people who supported him, slapping backs, and smugly/coyly dancing around, "I don't want to be President. Wherever would you get that idea??"

I'm really interested to see what happens when he goes up for re-election. Remember, our last governor was Gary Johnson, who was a Republican and also the highest ranking official to come out in support of legalizing drugs. (Here's a link to his infamous 2000 speech on legalization) We went blue in 2000 - a little dot of blue in a sea of red. We barely went red in 2004 (they campaigned hard for our state.) So, we're a little schizophrenic as a state and ... I wanna see what Richardson's fate is going to be. (as well as his campaign strategy...)


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