Sky=Totally Blue

Jun 08, 2005 09:26

Why does Dean always catch shit for stating the obvious?
Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans are "a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It's ( Read more... )

democrats:howard dean

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easilyirritable June 8 2005, 16:41:08 UTC
The thing that kills me, all the other candidates in the running for DNC Chair were so wussy & flip-floppy, and everyone was saying "We need someone who's willing to speak out, to address these wrongdoings in the country". And now that we've got someone who's doing JUST THAT, people still gotta fucking complain. Make up your damn minds.

That's so fucking true it pisses me off. Guys like Biden and Lieberman, etc., sit there and talk about how we need to be more centrist, which to me says that they are focused on getting people who are already voting over to their side, instead of doing what they SHOULD be, which is getting people who are so disillusioned and disgusted with the system back into the fold.

God. No wonder people view the Democratic party as the party of the wimp. All of this bullshit about taking a stand and promoting our values and morals is just the squawkings of dudes who don't want to lose their jobs. I'm tired of career politicians trying to protect their paycheck. I want someone who cares to actually get the fuck up and do something!


luna_k June 8 2005, 16:50:51 UTC
Liberals need to be angrier. It worked for the GOP: hell, they have EVERYTHING and they're still pissed off! Bill Maher had a great "New Rules" on this last month:
And to be a Democrat means...I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. It seems like ever since Michael Dukakis was asked how he'd feel if his wife got raped, and he said, "Whatever," the Democrats have been the party that speaks softly and carries Massachusetts. When Dick Cheney says, "Go f*** yourself," they say, "How hard?"

In the last election, George Bush called John Kerry "a coward, a liar, a wimp, a flip- flopper and a war criminal." And Kerry got so incensed, he almost fell off his windsurfer. It's bad when the person in your party with the biggest balls is named Teresa.

So, Democrats would do well to remember this: Anger can be good. Anger can be cleansing. Anger can be a force for change. Anger is what made America what it is in the world today: a hulking pariah whose only friends are toadies and sheiks.



easilyirritable June 8 2005, 16:52:51 UTC
Bill Maher tends to piss me off, but with regards to this he is dead on.


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