LOST Fanfic: Almost Anything

Feb 10, 2011 23:40

Title: Almost Anything
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, not for profit.
Summary: Kate works, Sawyer complains.
A/N: Another ficlette for the "Think Happy Thoughts" Skate Short Fanfic Contest.

It's always hot as hell, or raining Noah's flood. )

happy, kate, lost, fluff, skate, sawyer, fanfic, ficlette

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Comments 3

emilyanna07 February 10 2011, 15:55:20 UTC
Very cute. The only thing I'd change (which is minor!) is making some indication of what season this takes place in. Otherwise, great job!


lexlemon February 13 2011, 01:31:37 UTC
Thanks =) Y'know, I struggle with when to set things in the LOST timeline. I have scenes I want to see, but the overarching plot is so ever present, it's hard to fit little moments in ^__^


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lexlemon February 13 2011, 01:32:07 UTC
Sankyuu <3 =)


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