'Think Happy Thoughts': A Skate Short Fanfic Contest

Feb 03, 2011 01:28

There's just something about Skate that inspires angst. But aren't Sawyer and Kate also capable of light, happy, fun love? (...maybe?)

This little contest is for happy fics. Moments of happiness, silliness, joy, sweetness and general nice feelings between Kate and Sawyer (and maybe a little angst on the side). Fics can be as short as you like, they can be set any time, any place, and be on any topic so long as they involved Kate and Sawyer, and happiness.

THEME: Sawyer/Kate Happy Moments
LENGTH: Short (but no official word limit. Also, ficlettes very welcome)
DUE: Midnight, February 14th (Valentine's Day)

1. Post your entry in your own journal and indicate that you're entering it in this contest.
2. Reply to this post with a link to your entry.

Will be decided by a popular vote, after the due date.

The winner will receive [this] 'The Best of Phil Collins' mix tape (that I made the hard way, recording the tracks on my old tape player!).

Don't worry too much about the rules. The idea isn't for this to be hard! It's just a way to inspire some new happy Skate fics! Let the muse run wild.

PM me or comment if you have any questions.

And remember: Think Happy Thoughts!

other, fic, fanfic

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