Title: Unbidden
jo02 who took the crappy first draft I sent her and beat it into shape with her MIGHTY SKILLZ, and
used_songs who suggested some perfect finishing touches.
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing(s): Lisa/Ianto, Jack/Ianto
Summary: Ianto tries to remember Lisa as she was.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: RTD and the BBC own everything.
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Comments 34
I've long had an idea that Ianto might reach a point, during his long caretaking vigil, where fantasizing about Lisa and their memories would become too painful. And of course Jack would fill in the gap very nicely, whatever Ianto's ambivalences about him. You convey that mood of being caught in between well. I also have a bit of a kink for stories about Ianto being in denial, about Lisa and recovering their lost life -- beautifully conveyed here.
I think it would be very difficult for Ianto not to dissociate from Lisa physically after her conversion, and what I really saw happening in Fragments was that Ianto suddenly realised, in the warehouse, that he could move on, instead of hanging onto the past. Of course he'd be in denial about this -- in fact, I think that his reactions in cyberwoman were probably exasserbated by his guilt that part of him (even if it was not a fully acknowledged part) had already started to move on.
Thank you for your lovely comments -- you go into such detail, and give the the opportunity to rattle on about what was in my head when I was writing! :)
I don't, however, see Ianto realizing he can move on in Fragments -- I think he's far too invested in Lisa and their old life, still -- but I do see him recognizing that he's capable of feeling other things, ones that blur the neatly drawn boundaries of his life. And he responds with equal measures of excitement and guilt, something that comes across well here.
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